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Just Another Day
No Treasure - Just Another Day
: Just Another Day
: 2.87 MB
: 21 Toplam İndirme
24-11-2020 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 21 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (No Treasure - Just Another Day )
Just Another Day Şarkı Sözü

No Treasure Just Another Day Mp3 İndir, Just Another Day Müzik İndir Dinle

Said you’d rather never met me
And I get why you do
I know I’d rather never said things
Never meant to hurt you

You know my life feel into pieces
Right before my very eyes
When you said it’s time to leave me
Leave us behind
Why couldn’t you see
That I’m just here trying to make up
For everything
I don’t want it all to be gone
I know it never will
Never be the same
But I’m gonna sit here and wait
For just another day

For just another day
For just another day
For just another
I’m gonna sit here and wait
For just another day

You said you’d rather be on your own
‘Cause it’s easier to breathe
But I’m rather staying and not going
‘Cause it’s killing me
You know my life feel into pieces
Right before my very eyes
When you said it’s time to leave me
Leave us behind
Why couldn’t you see
That I’m just here trying to make up
For everything
I don’t want it all to be gone
I know it never will
Never be the same
But I’m gonna sit here and wait
For just another day

For just another day
For just another day
For just another
I’m gonna sit here and wait
For just another day
Just Another Day Anahtar Kelimeler
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