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Go Your Own Way
Why Mona - Go Your Own Way
: Go Your Own Way
: 2.79 MB
: 55 Toplam İndirme
20-02-2019 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 55 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Why Mona - Go Your Own Way )
  1. Ems Vlogs

    that looks like gloom (cassie)

  2. 조준범

    진짜 세상에서 제일 좋다

  3. Kathrine Kearney

    “Sometimes you’re not given what you want because something better is planned for you”

  4. Nicholas Windham

    Y'all should do more fleetwood mac / stevie nicks music

  5. Pacifica D


  6. Mindy Moore

    I LOVE this picture. Definitely looking up this artist.

  7. Aatrix

    Or worse

  8. Ilkin Babayev

    who is why mona?

    Austin Knowles

    It's unlike Pluto and a singer (i forgot her name)

    Ilkin Babayev

    Joanna Jones


    It's not WHO? It's WHAT? instead...The Project of songs from UP featuring Joanna Jones is called "Why Mona"

  9. Ghost Kiss

    It’s been a while ...

  10. Σπύρος Καραγιάννης


  11. Lisa Marie

    Almost 100K!! So proud of u, ur my fave music channel! Keep the good work up <3

  12. Lite V1

    Wassup Heroic :> good chill song.❤️

  13. John Pruitt

    That quote is on point 👌

  14. UHIS

    i was like; hm this sounds familiar", then i read the description and it says "a beautiful cover"still don't know what the original is tho.much love <3


    lel that would explain, i had to hear that shit probably everyday when i was little cuz my parents listened to them

    bi mohn

    UHIS go your own way by fleetwood mac

    LunarFury 115

    its ok... if you like old...ish songs :)

    LunarFury 115

    @UHIS it isnt "shit" fleetwood is amazing


    @UHIS Fleetwood isn't shit. Fleetwood is The Shit

  15. Gordon’s Lamb sauce

    Background suits the song so well

  16. Trap Hut

    This is amazing.

  17. Raid Kun

    It's so beautiful 😍

  18. Saya Moon

    🍃🍃🌻🍃Nice 🍃🌻🍃.

  19. TheWall

    Oh man, I love this background! <3

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