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feat Kim-Alleviation
Trae tha Truth - feat Kim-Alleviation
: feat Kim-Alleviation
: 4.08 MB
: 33 Toplam İndirme
28-01-2019 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 33 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Trae tha Truth - feat Kim-Alleviation )
  1. Sharan chaudhary

    Someone tell me 1 dollar !=12 500 venezualan currency???😢dear venezuala people may gad save u all...

  2. guitar on sky

    sad to know this. Big hug and love from Indonesia, my brothers and sisters.

  3. Christian Perez

    One thing socialism

  4. Mike Macabre

    Viva la revolucionio!!!!

  5. Amilcar Schettini

    People want to put a face on their problems. Maduro didnt cause the problem. A country that applies socialist concenpt on the one industry that is so volatile is susceptible to ups and downs. Socialism isnt the actual cause of this economic situation. I predict if they remove him certain things will get better but not the whole situation.

  6. Souvik RC

    We can agree that the Resource curse is real, and that populism is cancer.

  7. Guy Who's not gay

    Communism/Socialism is horrible


    Did you even watch the video?

    Guy Who's not gay

    @Maksie0 yep

  8. Ravi

    *Oil in Venezuela*Iran, Iraq, Libya..and VenezuelaAny guesses?


    I heard Gaddafi was trying to tie a new currency to their resources and Maduro is trying to do it with the petro.


    @Polarcupcheck The US and the UK are the root causes of all the world problems, be it Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Hong Kong.Surely there would be CIA plot behind Venezuela crisis also. Where there is oil, there would be a ally of the US or a crisis inflicted by the US. Remember? CIA overthrew democratically elected government in Iran and put a dictator who was in good terms with the US. Saudi Arabia would be like Syria and Iraq if the Saudi king wasn't a ally of the US.


    @Ravi From what I have been reading, it is more than just oil supply, but the currency the oil is traded in. Right now, most oil suppliers tie their currency to the dollar value, and the oil is traded in U.S. dollars. Maduro and Gaddafi wanted to create their own currency tied to their national resources. That would trade oil in a currency other than the dollar, which can cause fluctuations in the value of the dollar.

  9. Shaun Ghishing

    Hugo Chavez would be be so disappointed if he saw this. Stay strong Vanezuelans. Sending love from India.


    Hugo Chavez started this..... he is the reason we are like this

  10. Brian Diaz

    Venezuela isolated itself to prevent US interferance and. Thus far succumbed to it's greedy and corrupt ambition. How can a country do that to it's people, this goes for an outcry for revolution.

  11. Wicked 1323

    In short it’s Venezuelan people fault the country is like that 🤷‍♂️

  12. Crazy Chick Shena

    Venezuela was on the economy map for lots of oil reservation actually that's why there's a problem now

  13. ALIPROGAMER12344 _GX

    Am Sudanese and we got our freedom back. And i hope u guys Venezuelans get ur freedom too. Prayers from Sudan

  14. James Wilson

    When you help the poor it should bring them out of poverty and make them be able to get on their feet and work, but that never is the case because these programs are never effective therefore is a poor investment

    Wallace Callow

    It depends on which programs you mean. Some work, and some don't. But I think we would all agree that programs which enable the poor to become educated and working in society are beneficial.

  15. Senwen Liu

    Only reason is USA did this

  16. mei yang

    This situation going to happen in India also in coming yr

  17. Stefan Baars

    1 word to explain the collapse of venezuela, Socialism.

    Thomas vang

    Agreed with socialism all the free things to pay for in the country wether it be medical, food, housing they ran itself into the ground once there was no money. Worst part is they got a tyrant leader now if you guys think trump is a tyrant, trump let us keep our guns due to goverment control like in venezuela so if trump wants to control usa he let us keep the 1 thing(our guns) that would help us most during a civil war? Maybe reflect a bit.


    Oil FTFY

  18. United States of America

    Isn't it strange that a promise of a socialist utopia always ends up being a dangerous and destructive dictatorship. It's almost as if a dangerous and destructive dictatorship is a direct result of socialism.

  19. Lu Del

    Socialism is a fail form of government. I can't understand how there are people who support that ideology. disgusting.


    Explain how socialism lead to the collapse please


    You do realize the leader before Maduro was extremely socialist and the economy was still booming and people's quality of life where improving.

  20. Gissie D

    get some chickens be independent of government .

  21. Gissie D

    all governments do this UK is forceably adopting children has contradictory laws giving rights which get ignored all in name of gentrification .etc.foster carersxget £341 0per week lone parents benefits claimants get less than £100,in some cases £190..

  22. Ethan Winters

    They never mention the failed policies of socialism in this video!

  23. Dragon Ball legends india

    In coming years you will be making video on Indian economy

  24. HolyLand Mapping

    Petition to liberate Venezuela once and for all

  25. marcus holst astrup

    Sad how World of Warcraft gold is litterally worth more than a country's currency...

  26. abdulsalam king

    Freedom for Venezuela from your Syrian friend!

  27. Glen Coco

    Venezuela made the enemy of their upper and middle class, aka the only skilled labour they had to keep their country standing up. Rather than waging a war on poverty itself, the Chavez regime waged a war on the brains and pockets of Venezuela, not just on CEO and corporations, but also the skilled working class of lawyers, doctors and engineers... they all suffered due to Chavez's "Robin hood" policies like expropriation and control exchange, he even made squatting legal, so you couldn't even evict tenants who where not paying rent, so basically you ended up paying mortgage for someone else to live in your house.It's like if the US decided to wage a war on Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and the entire sector of the population that has something to loose... the american economy will come crashing down. That's what Venezuela did, anyone that had anything, it was stolen from them and given to those who had nothing... after a while those who had anything left, leaving Venezuela only with the poor, the lazy, the uneducated ... they basically ran out of other people's money

  28. John Linnon

    Are there large segments of rural Venezuelans who are living in a more traditional, tribal system, and not dependent on the country's currency? I hope so. Can a Venezuelan reply to this?

    Joaquin Augusto

    Nobody is independent from a country's currency nor it's status

  29. Chryssa Galani

    The socialist bulshit view. In America democratic socialism will succeed yeah

  30. Kevin’s World

    Feel bad for Lele Pons

  31. Kevin’s World

    Madura is the next Kim Jun un

  32. Spencer Deremer

    Democrats need to watch this

  33. BD Maus

    ​“Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” Winston Churchill

  34. shaa141

    This is what happens when country turns to communism and hates their rich people's who are the creates wealth in society

  35. Auke Meijer

    and that’s why you ALWAYS separate the 3 powers. The executive power could exercise influence on the judicial power. With that single mistake the country got brought into a dictatorship. It’s also absurd how the US president can appoint judges for the Supreme Court.

    Cristian Baldelli

    they have to go through congress tho

  36. Angelo Zanussi

    More lies and nonsense. Israel and the United States

  37. Franco Smith

    socialism hype

  38. Flexgado24

    Good O socialism lol

  39. Barry Etherton

    I feel for the people, being a rich country can have major problems. The Western World wants what you have.

  40. mary ward

    Modelled on the EU way of controlling its people. Looks like the model the EU Remoaners have in mind for the UK and the SNP have planned for separatist Scotland. Isnt socialism great !

  41. alexander carvahal

    Vox should mention that socialism ruined Venezuela

  42. Eduardo Garcia

    I still love my country no matter what I will always treasure the moment with my family I can’t wait for when it’s over so we can all see each other

  43. Tyler Woolvett

    Yeah blame 1 guy not socialism... you asked for it


    But Venezuela is a capitalist country. One cannot point at a failed capitalist country and say, "socialism never works".

  44. JAVI

    Simply is like this. They got used to recieve many things for free, now that the government went broke, they still want to live same way. There is no moneyJust when they migrate to another countries, they learn that when you work hard, and get things from your work, you take care even the smallest things that you get.


    One word can describe what happened to Venezuela and that is SOCIALISM

  46. Meir kivelevitz


    John Yohann

    Communism, not socialism.

  47. moto cross

    Socialism didn't cause this. It was international banks

  48. moto cross

    International banking destroyed all

  49. Maiwand

    Does this mean i should act quickly and go to venezuela, with a few pounds and buy some cool stuff for dirt cheap? like properties....mansions etc maybe ?

    Prosper Lattimer

    This is exactly why they have closed borders

    Prosper Lattimer

    This is vulture logic 🤢

  50. Brian Simons

    So the crash in oil prices wasn't engineered to destroy the Venezuelan government? The US are not sabotaging the Venezuelan economy nor using the media to destroy Maduro and his government. Very one-sided contributions included in this film.

  51. Abdulkadir Asıllı

    Did somebody said oil??? 0:40 Looks like somebody needs some democracy.

  52. Corina Cruz

    No mention of SOCIALISM.

  53. iphil25

    You're lying in the video

  54. oscar orta

    Yet people want to bring socialism though i understand that you need both economic types to keep balance in society but i just dont see how i have to pay for people's welfare and yet see how they abuse the system

  55. Isa Gultekin

    Pray for Venezuela.😯

  56. Alejandro Berrizbeitia

    By the way, that episode when Chávez took to TV in the 90's... That was a failed military coup where many people died. Just saying...

  57. Michelle Staunton

    Christians please pray for this country and these people!

  58. pradeep kumar

    Moral of the storySOCIALISM IS CANCER

    tu tu

    Bad description of socialism.Not working? YesCancer? No

  59. Quan Tha Activist

    Y'all gotta give Trinidad credit as well

  60. sly angler

    They have no guns .. democracy is dead..

  61. Addam Robin

    How do you still have food and internet in Venezuela?

  62. Michael

    Vox leaves out the Socialist part of the story. What a surprise...

    Deep Mind

    Venezuela's private sector is at almost 70% how is it socialism?

    John Yohann

    it isn't- it's really communism. Look how they nationalized oil and so many industries. They have little trade or outside investment, or tourism. Plus they torture opponents, and they have few rights, there. Like Cuba. Communism. Always poor and in debt, also. Quite different from socialism, as in Canada or Europe. The U.S. is capitalist- unregulated private sector, unlike socialism. So socialist countries have a more balanced private sector than U.S., and stable. Pretty much recession-proof.

  63. Augusto Pinochet

    "bUt It WaSn'T rEaL sOcIaLiSm"

  64. Jawaban Kristianiti

    Would Vox admit this is caused by Socialism?

  65. Goldenfoxy 1234

    My mom's country Guyana had a lot of Venezulan immigrants coming into the country honestly Venezula is not a bad country it just has a bad leader

  66. Kee Kl

    when Chavez nationalized its oil company, USA started its evil acts, like they always do

    Jawaban Kristianiti

    Watch the Prager U video, this is what you get from Socialism

  67. Yoda The Elf

    Fuerza Venezuela, Puerto Rico ora por ustedes. ¡Viva Latinoamérica!

  68. Pluhgins

    Before the video: Socialism and Socialistic Ideology/Laws; end video transmission.

  69. Shoshana

    it's not a Democracy; it's a totalitarian country.

  70. Bahemis Adan

    Venezuela has beautiful genes ever, but so sad of what happen to their economy.

  71. camthejock

    None of these socialists ever leave capitalist societies lol

  72. Wyatt Beasley

    Hugo Chavez said if he was elected he would be for the people and agisnt the evil greedy companies. His ideas are not to dissimiliar to that of socialists in the US. He said if people werent happy with his rule he would leave and When people started to be unhappy he refused to leave I believe he promised if they weren't happy in either 2, 4 or 6 years, however, he stayed from 1999 to 2013. They were being praised for a while because socialism always works in the beginning. He stayed and people suffered and then maduro was is successor after chavez died office mind you he never left. And people are still suffering today. If you want the simple answer socialism is the unraveling.


    too south korea

  74. lester andes

    Espero que puedo ayudarlos. Solo que vivo en el otro lado del mundo, Filipinas. Nuestra casa esta muy abierta para ustedes venezolanos. Ademas, filipinos y latinos son hermanos. 🇵🇭🇻🇪

  75. Dead Parroting

    The polls are cherry-picked. The U.S. is now imposing illegal sanctions, ones illegal by the UN, AND the U.S. Last week, the U.S. seized a ship loaded with food to keep it from reaching Venezuela. This is an illegal U.S. war for control of oil. The Iran situation is identical right down to the illegal sanctions. Why have you not touched on the legality of the sanctions, VOX?

  76. reifukaiyukikaze

    A charismatic leader must rise to bring revolution to this

  77. edilote23 lol

    im from venezuela the president make worst venezuela . but why because is stuped and i have to come to live in united states by maduro

  78. V'GER Lightning

    Before money is worthless, the wealthy will stuff their coffers, with precious metals and the most valuable gems, and in real estate, in stable economic countries.

  79. William Tukei14

    Trump is changing usa like these

  80. PeeDipPes

    Stay strong. From England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿❤️

  81. Joeseph Perez

    Please send Alexandra Cortez to Venezuela, she can help them with free things.,...they need it.

    Frank Grimes

    @Glen Coco there is no difference

    Guy Who's not gay

    Shes not doing much for the US rn

    Im Myself

    Don't send anyone because I'm scared they'll get hurt and can't come out of venezuela anymore

  82. Mohammad Rasool

    Another dictator 🙏

  83. joey k

    How could you make this video and leave the petro dollar and US sanctions out??


    whats wrong with sanctioning ideological enemies? Prove that you have such a good concept by not trading with capitalists and only produce everything at home.

  84. Hammam Abdussalam alabiyyi


  85. Don Wade gaming


  86. Naveen Bisht

    I just heard that us goverenment is trying to collapse his government and also he his elected member .

  87. BaconNPancakes

    Hey "Brave and Beautiful" how come you never touched on the socialism part???


    @BaconNPancakes if Bernie becomes president will the us become socialist?


    Im sure thats what he would like to happen 🤷‍♂️


    @BaconNPancakes Bernie, although socialist, has never advocated for complete workplace democracy in the form of socialism. Instead he is pro union, and has no plans to actually establish socialism


    Nick Maduro is literally the leader of the SOCIALIST party

    Fernando Vasquez

    @Nick So you'll ignore the whole "Exprópiese/Expropiate" and price manipulation politics from Hugo Chavez. Alright

  88. Skin CARE By Dr Ali Anjum

    Best future ahead 🌞Love from Pakistan 🇵🇰

  89. James Mclean

    Maduro if he does not leave may be the start of world war 3 the presence of russian troops in the country is very dangerous for the americas along with chinese inveestments its a recipe for war

    Ronie Lavon

    Are you writing this from Mclean, VA? You are a CIA tool! The most dangerous thing for South America is the presence of the United States in this world. The USA is the biggest danger for the whole world....

  90. Big Boi Choi

    I can sell my wow account then I can buy Venezuela and conquer Latin America then I will create a large authoritarian army to march across North America under an iron fist

  91. Ace Creg

    You see, socialism doesn't work crackheads.


    I appeal all Venezuelans please stop all the protest. You are destroying your own country.

  93. Jacob the Propagandist

    Funny how conservatives think that this is a more realistic example of social democracy than Norway, Sweden and Denmark even though the policies we want already exist there and they are the most prosperous countries in the world.

  94. Vansh Sharma

    Atleast in venezula people understand this. In my country sadly, people dont even understand that soon problems may come up

  95. Rolland Miller

    The USA has done it. War Crime. The majority support Maduro.

  96. aSimpleGuy

    :( support from Romania 🇹🇩

  97. Itz Me Rem

    There is one solution, just assassinate him xD

    Amol Khobaragade

    @Prosper Lattimer Then why don't the US organize a coup just like they did in Iran in 1953?

    Guy Who's not gay

    @Amol Khobaragade wasnt that Britain?

    Im Myself

    I wish it was that easy but venezuela has a bunch of find and bombs from Russia if anyone dares to even touch the president things would get worse so the only way is protesting and hoping :'( (btw I'm a Venezuelan in America)

  98. Samuel Cunningham

    The fall of Venezuela...socialism

  99. Vox

    For more, don't miss the first episode of Vox Borders: Colombia. Johnny Harris traveled to Cúcuta, a city on the border between Colombia and Venezuela to see how the country is handling a massive wave of refugees fleeing the economic crisis. Watch:

    Jorge Otaola

    do you think chavez was good or bad im a little confuzed

    bilgin 600

    The coup makers are coming to your end, HAIL MADURO

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