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Golden Brown
The Strangers - Golden Brown
: Golden Brown
: 3.19 MB
: 103 Toplam İndirme
11-07-2020 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 103 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Strangers - Golden Brown )
  1. oxy 75

    Giant bass

  2. gerard sheehy

    "With my mind she runs "One of the great lyrics of all time................? .................

  3. JustLocal

    Watch this remake, montage: is great! Enjoy!

  4. Bomb Twenty

    I've just realised this video and Spandau Ballet's "Gold" are both filmed either in the same real room or the same stage set

  5. BrianBadonde

    Golden Brown like Farren’s wife.

  6. Evan Codsworth

    This is seriously on of the most pleasant songs ever made. Hugh Cornwell’s vocals are so beautiful.

  7. Freek

    Nice house..

  8. Nadya Nadya


  9. Philip Monolagi

    RIP Dave Greenfield (keyboardist)

  10. Cornfused Atbest

    And to RR, most apologies. I guess it was what this song is capable of. Fantasy is what dreams are made .... or the opposite, matters not. Memories are PRICELESS. I hope you are well and doing fine. Never a frown.

  11. SomeoneElse

    This was played on the radio back then. Since only plastic music is being played nowadays, I don't even own a radio any longer.

  12. Arek Krolak

    Hugh Cornwell looks rad in a tuxedo!

  13. El Maquinazo Podcast

    Llegué aquí gracias a Dave Brubeck. Es magia pura.

  14. Mirko Giordani

    Here after guy ritchie

  15. Bexxybex

    *HEROIN GAVE ME BEAUTIFUL WINGS,,,**BUT TOOK AWAY MY SKY...* 😢*(7 years clean 🙏❤️)

    Donald duck gone rogue

    I flippin love this quote! For all of us that have been through it, it resonates, and embodies addiction perfectly! Thanks so much for sharing!

    pour ceux qui m'conaissent pas

    keep on being clean, i respect your determination, strenght on you


    @OD god i know what you mean! I'm just over 7 years, and in all honesty I still get cravings most days! Even this far down the line! I've just come to terms with the fact I'll probably be fighting the urge and cravings for the rest of my life! But I've worked too hard to get where I am, and have too many people that love me and believe in me to ever go back...And congrats on your 12 years! ❤️


    @pour ceux qui m'conaissent pas that's really kind of you, thank you so much! ❤️

  16. yavroo

    Κάτι από Χατζιδάκι

  17. Christopher James Lee

    Even in 2020, it still remains an extraordinary song.

  18. Jaybee89

    'Tommy .... the tit ... is praying ....''And if he isnt ..... he fucking should be'

  19. Jean-Pierre De Vent

    I am musician but not very good in rhythm so I always wonder about the metrum. Sometimes I think it's measure of 3, that's sometimes divided in 4 but it's like the 4 goes a little bit too slow for that so it seems more likely to be a dominating measure of 3/4 or more likely 6/8 alternating with a 4/4 ??? I love it how this clever and beautiful piece of art could become a hit since 4/4 keeps ruling forever in pop.

  20. Cornfused Atbest

    Thank you benski tv, this has been offline for way too long.

  21. Raphael Granger

    Tommy 'TheTit' is praying. And If he isn't, he fucking should be.

  22. Richard Mankin

    This must be in the top 5 greatest songs in the history of mankind.

    Dee Brook

    I remember when i was a child before breakfast television arrived,my mother would play the radio in the mornings before i went to school at 9 am.And this song was always played on the radio!😀 I loved this song then & i still LOVE IT NOW!!!😁 AN OLDIE BUT A GOODIE 😆😁

    Kamil Jakub

    What would the other 4 be in your opinion? ;)

  23. Albert McMullen

    I like the louche appearance of the band and the effete anterior and of course the rendering of this whimsical record.

  24. #anthonyron82

    This song sucks cock, no wonder ive never heard of it.


    If you’ve never herd it then your clearly a mug, you’ve never watched snatch

  25. dean fitz

    Anyone else here from kays cooking?

  26. adrian mark

    a Masterpiece

  27. Scott Wallace

    I like the use of 13 in the instrumentals.

  28. Audio No Video

    American here and stumbled upon this song as a youth and have some how always found my way back to it again..... and again! It seems to bring me peace in my chaos! I know very little of the true meaning of the songs lyrics either! As of now i am a man of four children and a lovely wife that have very little knowledge of music and how much it has impacted so many through the generations. And at the young youth they are they have no understanding of real music! No matter the race or color you claim we are all as one of man kind given from the all mighty him self. We fight together, we stand together, we morn together, we will never be apart in the gates of heaven! Thank you to the you tuber that posted this song and thank, thank you for a great tune THE STRANGLERS! Keep this music alive!!!!

  29. IrishAlways8

    RIP Dave Greenfield 🙏🏻❤️

  30. Liam Evans

    When this came out we have no reference points for it. Sure, yeah, we all know the Stranglers as the 'older men' who accidentally for attached to Punk, the snarly leathery goodness that was JJB, their tunes were sometimes raucous, and they had Dave Greenfield making interesting on the keyboards. Then this gem popped out form nowhere, fully formed, a love song to heroin, with the main riff on a fucking harpsicord, written in waltz timing!! It should never have worked, but it sold by the truckload. Genius.

  31. fred quantik

    sublime , cette chanson me rappelle tant de souvenirs prodigieux , sensuels , avec l une des plus belles filles que j aie connue , une créature divine que j aimerais tant revoir , nostalgie

  32. Liv

    One of the most beautiful melodies I’ve ever heard

  33. usual suspect

    שיר יפהפה, תמונות מדהימות ומתאימות לשיר.Rest in peace, Dave Greenfield.

  34. Michael Mouse

    ... the sign of a good song... to me anyway... is a song that sounds as good today, as it did back in the day... brilliant!

  35. Black Heart

    I love it 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

  36. Sevin skies

    Fight Club?

  37. Jim Morrison

    So fucking magic.British popular music at its very,very best.Fucking so magic.Britain i fucking love you.RIP Dave Greenslade.Jim Morrison.

  38. ZSU 23.4

    Chanson souvent programmée lors des nuits de France inter dans les années 80 ' et qui me remplissait d'une infini tristesse. Une Master piece

  39. BlackLegendIII

    Who knew this song from the movie Santch ?

  40. mark o'shea

    Get the tin foil out, lads.

  41. Luke Chandra

    Dave wrote an amazing song. Hugh's vocals are perfect also

  42. control


  43. Mihaela Stetco

    Golden brown, texture like sunLays me down, with my mind she runsThroughout the night, no need to fightNever a frown with golden brown[Verse 2]Every time, just like the lastOn her ship tied to the mastTo distant lands, takes both my handsNever a frown with golden brown[Verse 3]Golden brown, finer temptressThrough the ages, she's heading westFrom far away, stays for a dayNever a frown with golden brown[Outro]Never, never a, never a frown with golden, with golden brownNever, never a frown with golden, with golden brownNever, never a frown with golden, with golden brownNever, never a frown with golden, with golden brown

  44. Chris Bling

    Merci panzani

  45. Gredddfe

    1 2 31 2 31 2 31 2 3 4So in what time signature would you say that chorus is then?

  46. Rock Cristiano

    Bellissima! Pensavo che fosse dei Cage the Elephant.

  47. Lee W

    😂 5911 008

  48. Hugs Bunny

    Wonderful variety of sounds and lyrics up until the late 90's, after that the corporate machine of 'music' spoon-fed the mass consumers with MacMusic shite.

  49. Ralf Beckmann

    Golden brown Texture like sun

  50. Bryan H.


  51. [[[ *Dragonier* ]]]

    And here we have the most iconic harpsichord melodies to date. Seriously, I just typed “song with harpsichord in it” into google and this is the song that came up...

  52. Ewen Nicolson

    Jet Black was 82 when they made this vid.

  53. Hein Noordewind

    The song is like a circle. It can go on and on without getting boring.

  54. Hein Noordewind

    This is one of the sounds that weave the tapistry of my youth...

  55. Maria McLean

    Original by Dave Brubeck, in the 60s

    shrek's bootyhole

    No, that was a fake.

  56. África

    Love love love love this♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.....thanks a lot

  57. Marv _

    Songs with a style like this will never be hits anymore... 😢 No creativity anymore...atleast not in the charts.

  58. 7777

    These tunes carry us, until we find our feet again, the British Isles holds magic, be proud of who we are.

  59. Polyester Parties

    Brilliant restoration!

  60. squirrel greybeard

    saw them live 2019 Beautiful Days Festival. Performed this, my fave song with medley of: Always The Sun, Waltz in Black & Peaches. Dave Greenfield - Thank you for your contribution to shaping my musical appreciation. You all ticked off a major bucket list wish.

  61. Chris Funkton

    Michael Arnold used to sing this to Mrs. Fewster, maths teacher, back in the late 1990s.

  62. Nicole Gervais

    I remember this song when it was released and I just have a memory of running down the street with one of my brothers and our pack of friends, laughing our asses off, taking real estate signs from peoples yards and putting them all on the church property near our home. Such a weird little moment...

  63. Vlad Drakul

    Just wow. I have been listening to this forever. One of the best songs ever and SO DOORS like (top 5 band ever. My favorite after the Beatles) The Stranglers always were my favorite 'punk' band and the first UK one I heard. I already knew the Ramones, Television and the earlier Iggy, Velvet stuff. Nevertheless from their Rattus Norvegicus IV LP I fell in love with them. In a way Peaches was the least interesting tune and I skip it these days. It dated but not 'Sometimes' so Doors like or other greats as well. So sad to hear about Dave's death to this vile disease that will probably kill me too. Already killed my mother in law in Sweden and my ex almost died of it. Golden Brown!

  64. flips300021

    Youtube. Why the annoying pause every 2 seconds???????!!!!

  65. Hala Shehab

    I want to cry listening to a song I wasn’t alive during its days..

  66. E. Mantay

    is there some piano sheet music for this?

    Cole Foster

    There is no piano, the piano looking thing is a harpsichord though you could probably find some piano sheet music too. It won't sound the same though

  67. Fiona Tannasee

    Perfect tune for lockdown 2020. Love it still after all these years😭

  68. Gus H

    A "chill out" song if ever there was one

  69. Daniel Cejudo

    Simplemente hermosa canción. Me trae muchos buenos recuerdos de mi niñez en los años 80's

  70. Christopher Zarycki

    Frankmusik did a sample of this - when your around

  71. Richard Smith

    I loved this track as a kid and then in my young adult years I fell victim to the clutches of golden brown. I split up with this cruel temptress 14 years ago and never looked back

    Idriss Boul Boul

    Well done! God bless you!

  72. Jordan Taylor

    The greatest ever use of a Harpsichord in popular music.


    I came here to comment that this is my favorite harpsichord intro in a song ever. But this song is just a gem classic!

  73. bigkozlov

    One of the coolest songs ever written and performed

  74. J Slade

    Always a frown when this one's in town...

  75. gianni paladini

    That voice!!

  76. Lotus

    What’s interesting is this is a story but only difference is it’s sung.

  77. steveMcAulay


  78. Ryan Wallace

    Turns out hes a gypsy bare knuckle boxing champion

  79. Fabio Probst

    einfach bonez onkel

  80. PzGren 1907

    "Tommy... the tit is prayin and if he's not, he fucking should be"

  81. Gary McMichael

    1:56 the haunting guitar of my youth.

  82. shadow_of_darkness

    I love these guys

  83. Croz' Crosbie

    I first experienced 'Bhuni' (Golden Brown) in Cairo, 1983 ~ a year and a half of hedonism and other worldly life experiences...this song opens the portal back to those times, sights, sounds, smells and the sensation...the first sensation of Bhuni... the song fits perfectly

  84. S Pe

    I love the instrumental..

  85. Alex Thiebaut

    If they had lost the organ it could have been a hell of a band

  86. jerzy franek

    I think i'm here because i love jazz.

  87. MrChivers123

    To call The Stranglers a punk bank is like calling a Rolls Royce a car, or a Spitfire an aircraft – they are in another league entirely.

  88. registerme2

    I'd always thought this was a Vietnam era song. Just discovered it was a decade later.

  89. szymon krysiak

    Dave Brubeck i wszystko jasne

  90. astronation

    My favourite drug

  91. Christine Hughes


  92. Matty Matty

    One million likes, how can one express it in the language of emojis? Couldn't find any!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️RIP Dave Greenfield!

  93. Sascha Gray

    My first thought was ... Heroin? .... yup

  94. Bucket Head

    how cool to see this song get so close to 2 million views so far!

  95. FlickerFlame

    Don’t know this stranglers guy yet(yes I know) but his voice and the harpsichord take it to next level.

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