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feat Emily Warren-Side Effects
The Chainsmokers - feat Emily Warren-Side Effects
: feat Emily Warren-Side Effects
: 3.18 MB
: 48 Toplam İndirme
15-09-2018 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 48 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (The Chainsmokers - feat Emily Warren-Side Effects )
  1. Rashmi Gore

    Music is given at the best quality but singing isn't up to the point

  2. Eric A

    These 2 dudes are epic pwners. No really

  3. stevie217able

    She’s not what I expected to sing this song lol I’m shook!

  4. soundgarden 88


  5. Маргарита Викторова

    Europa Plus LIVE

  6. Harmonie Cyprain

    she looks different

  7. TToTToTT

    2:44 ...

  8. Miguel garcia

    Heres went you realize that this New artists don't have a voice to sing on live.

  9. DJjimmy Antinone

    Proof most of today’s singers can’t sing outside of the studio, love this song though

  10. Patricia Anne

    I liked it 👍🏼

  11. zhubhi hgyio

    they deleted the lip sync version of live show of this track which they performed at jimmy kimmel show

  12. SuperSkalek

    Such a mom dress she is wearing

  13. Shahmi Work

    what year is this? 2008? dope

  14. Franco Díaz Bajista

    The bassman sucks

  15. Chino lewin

    these people in the comets are so shady asf!!! 🤣😭🤣

  16. afie fdzlnn

    Andrew Taggart So hot ! lol

  17. Raja Khan

    She sounds like any other women singer. Crap live just like him but catchy songs

  18. melixtaala

    Most of the time she’s not even singing

  19. Broken Wrist

    She looks like a 40 year old woman

  20. Moe Classic

    No offence but she's so boring right here and she looks soooo old right here.

  21. Susana Mendes

    Shes so damn boring, she needs more life on stage, i have more life in my room than she perfoming

  22. Susana Mendes

    the quality sucks

  23. max wedge

    Love this song!

  24. Jacquelyn Vasquez

    Ok 👌🏼 I said ya ok not out loud ok

  25. Fiki RP

    Good voice but in some part is "meh"

  26. Hi Tech

    AWESOME Song and Performance. She has a cool voice

  27. Neymar jr

    Starts at 0:36

  28. Happy Michie Worriah

    Prefer Emily to the video person

  29. K FlashVEVO

    What is that festival?

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