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Food For Thought
Mattiel - Food For Thought
: Food For Thought
: 2.39 MB
: 14 Toplam İndirme
20-03-2024 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 14 İndirme
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Food For Thought Şarkı Sözü

Mattiel Food For Thought Mp3 İndir, Food For Thought Müzik İndir Dinle

We set the table and the silverware
And all you’ve got is a hundred yard stare
So look back at me and finish your food
With an appetite and some gratitude

We set the table and the silverware
And gave you those clothes that you don’t want to wear
But as long as you plan to stay alive
You’ve got to honor your parents. That’s number 5.

Give me all your children and I’ll show them how to congregate
All we need are mouths to feed, so pass around the dinner plate
Give me all your money and I’ll open up the pearly gates
What’s food for thought
When all you’ve got
Is something to regurgitate?
So now that you’re taller and now that you’re grown
You can build a table all on your own
And with whomever you decide to be
Make sure she makes you up a family

We set you up a resting place
And your giant block of marble awaits
And we broke you open an ATM
But don’t get greedy. That’s number 10.

Give me all your children and I’ll show them how to congregate
All we need are mouths to feed, so pass around the dinner plate
Give me all your money and I’ll open up the pearly gates
What’s food for thought
When all you’ve got
Is something to regurgitate?
Food For Thought Anahtar Kelimeler
Mattiel Food For Thought Mp3 İndir Dinle , Mattiel Food For Thought Şarkı Sözleri , Mattiel Albümleri , Mattiel Food For Thought Cep Telefonuna Mp3 İndir,Food For Thought bedava mp3 indir ,Food For Thought cepten ücretsiz indir, Mattiel Food For Thought Mp3 İndir Dur

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