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The Prestige
Kraddy - The Prestige
: The Prestige
: 4.60 MB
: 52 Toplam İndirme
10-03-2019 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 52 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Kraddy - The Prestige )
  1. Elias Bouhout



    1:49 YUP

  3. Ice Cream PH

    0:00 to 0:06 sounded like a fart but nice song btw

    Ghost Shadow

    glad I an not the only one think that 😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Great Gorillas

    0:29 I was HYPE!

  5. Lord Smiley

    Now imagine the first part as someone farting. There, it's ruined.

  6. InfraShoot YT

    Noah’s noah

  7. Archill

    3:15Love this part

  8. PseudoVoid

    just like that babe ;)

  9. LuthorsFactory

    Piano solo is so fcking Epic

  10. JS MR

    W2s squad

  11. Chuck



    Well, I’ve never heard it on his channel but I searched up ‘Noahsnoah music’ and I was trying to find the bass boosted Lamborghini rap by KSI but I came across this and now I love it!


    Yep the music is from noahsnoah but shit man

  12. Squizznot

    They used the Mash Themesong. How lazy.

  13. Otis Saunders

    Snap out of it!

  14. Otis Saunders

    Though Who said, don't feel sorry, the heart is soft..

  15. Taha Ertek

    THE Best in to SONG

  16. AMgamez

    0:00 to 0:06 it sounds like the sound when a bee goes right next to your ear. XD

  17. mehtaab sandhu

    Batman screen made me listen to this. Not disappointed

  18. balázs király

    Lyrics:tu du du du tu du du du tu du du du tu du tu .

  19. Roberto Mackenzie

    Nice song

  20. Jake Foth JF2

    ''Tis is epic

  21. Vege burga

    0:29 that beat dropped harder than my grandma trying to sit down

  22. turb0strid3r

    This pumps me up for my workouts GOD DAMNNN

  23. MattyIceyyy

    wroetoshaw anyone

    Seema Khan

    Icey everyone *

  24. bizzou

    W2S squad put a like

    Tony Dechert

    from argentina!!! OMG

  25. Zedthegamer Zed

    W2S anyone


    no not everyone

    Will Bentley

    Zedthegamer Zed duh

    _Matys _

    meeee xdd

    Liam Roche

    W2S SONGS no I’m here from noahsnoah

  26. Yako Andrew

    <3 Kraddy, sweet tunes to mah ears baby

  27. 黃柏升

    吊雅梅胎直擺黃家最強 筍筍筍

  28. Titan Legion

    All of their songs are lit🔥

  29. cooltalal111

    "like this" sounds like ksi's voice


    cooltalal111 true

    toiposen kosto

    All black sound same looolol

  30. best soccer player ever

    awesome song

  31. Ash Sanz

    where can i get the wallpapaer

    Only The100

    ash rai screenshot it

  32. JamasterYT

    JamasterYT anyone?

  33. Emir Arslan

    Anesongib anyone?

    Dylan mclean

    Emir Arslan yep

    Titan Legion

    Emir Arslan me

    Will Bentley

    Emir Arslan and w2s

  34. best soccer player ever

    awesome song

  35. Tu madre 24

    good can't stop loving it

  36. Elyas Mesfin

    Love this

  37. WaKaShAkA_ 06

    hell freaking yes

  38. Rage Quit

    Can I use this song in my videos?

  39. FrostyMcCulloch -

    0:00 to 0:13 when you put on your jacket but you can't get the zipper up

    FrostyMcCulloch -

    TBAWWS the sound it makes

    Twix _

    TBAWWS the sound like you cant zip the jacket


    Meow - rest of the song is extreme zipping


    1:22 This damn ZIPPER again!!!

    Sydney Rocks

    That's actually pretty funny😂

  40. 123anmerocks

    piano notes anyone?

    best soccer player ever


    king rising

    Dont know about the notes. But does sound like a Grand Piano.

  41. james mason

    There are 3 good bits 1 at start 1 near end and one at the end the middle bit is just shit

    Clash With Mike

    james mason yh true


    is it copyright?

  43. ii EV0LUTII0NZ

    love this song

  44. James Smith

    Such a good song

  45. Marc Maroun

    i love this song


    use it in your vid for less dan 30 secs n u shud be gud

  46. Marc Maroun

    fuckkkkkkkkk <3

  47. Melting ArtDude

    Love this!! The ending reminds me a little of the intro/outro in Linkin Park's "What I've Done."

    Putin Cider

    Deadmans Glass such a nice song as well...


    Is this copyright or can I use it as background music?

  49. Yako Andrew

    ;-) Roll to it ... 12ft. tall speakers... Vics...

  50. RiawRiaw

    Hell yeah


    +RiawRiaw u got that right


    +NotFamous :D

  51. Χρήστος ο ΚΑΚΟΥΛΗΣ

    this song is gorgeous! more people need to learn about it

  52. noah sauer

    best remix

  53. Kalamari


  54. Joka Maman


  55. José Pinto


  56. TheTazzman11

    This is so perfect...

  57. Anh9000

    dope picture

  58. Raf Alfaro

    lOVE IT!😆

  59. Raf Alfaro

    lOVE IT!😆

  60. Zemtax // new channel: Zemtax DZN

    KRADDY is BEST !!

  61. Matovu Brian

    amazing Kraddy

  62. slawomir kulinski

    Every time I listen to this - shit, I want to watch Bleach again.

    Underground Music

    Haha, why bleach? :D

    slawomir kulinski

    dunno, I see first fight between Renji and Ichigo :)

    Hugo Bosss

    @slawomir kulinski Yea me too dude, because this song in one moment is similar to song from Bleach.

  63. Matthew Kratz

    Using that Batman background for this track shows me you know EXACTLY what the fuck Im talking about.  Nice one.- KRADDY

    Trenton Vanhook


    Yeetus Feetus

    Matthew Kratz

    Rajwinder Khokher

    Matthew Kratz

    Stephen H

    Did anyone see the cape move I did

  64. Someoneyoudontknow

    Fuk yeah

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