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In Heaven
Gregory Porter - In Heaven
: In Heaven
: 3.94 MB
: 39 Toplam İndirme
22-08-2019 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 39 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Gregory Porter - In Heaven )
  1. magy taylor

    Is wonderful sound and full of feeling me !

  2. AERIN


  3. Paula Guilherme

    Estou mortinha por ouvi-lo em Cascais no próximo dia 20! É do melhor que há no jazz actual, tanto mais que não se limita, como muitos, a fazer versões dos standards. Compõe e compõe bem. Este vídeo tinha-me escapado. Adoro! Som fantástico, Rui, como sempre!


    Tem uma g'anda voz, não tem? Descobri o Gregory Porter por volta de 2014 através de um colega Youtuber da Austria, que também é "obsessive" do vinil, e fez um video com o album "Be Good". Comprei logo esse disco, e fiz o meu video:é agora fiz quatro videos de vinil de vários albums dele, qualquer dia tenho que fazer outro.

    Paula Guilherme

    Eu vi os outros vídeos, este é que me escapou! Tem uma ganda voz, um timbre lindíssimo. Passo-me com os graves! E é bom compositor. Veremos como será ao vivo, se os técnicos de som forem bons ... estou à espera dum grande show! Faz outro vídeo dele, Rui, a voz em vinil ainda é mais espectacular!Os teus vídeos são fabulosos ... mai nada!!!

  4. Lillie Fleury

    Jazz Fest 2016 New Orleans (rain out and canceled ) But I fell in LOVE with the sounds of Gregory Porter.

  5. Centro de Terapia Natural

    wonderful !!!!!

  6. brotherinbooks

    Why do I not know Gregory Porter until now. Thanknyou. Mrvinyl

  7. brotherinbooks

    Been obsessively enjoying Mrvinlyobessive's collection here. What an experience.


    brotherinbooks I'm glad you liked!

  8. Meredith McCleary

    I can't find the word to describe this take . It's AWESOME! Thank you all for the beautiful music.

  9. Karen

    This instrumental song goes all through your beings not only in the music but also in the words love it.

  10. jesus guillermo florentini zevallos


  11. Chic Tar

    Excellent recording and awesome example of the depth of sound with vinyl.  Love it!  Thank you.


    i'm glad you liked! ;)

  12. Velvet Rope Lifestyle

    so touching!

  13. Melisha Garza

    love him

  14. Peace Love

    It's a beautiful song thank you for sharing

  15. Limau Nipis


  16. Luka7256

    ¿Cual aguja en MC te gusta despues de laMM AT-150MLX y que sea superior en calidad de sonido?


    I also use the MC Goldring Eroica. But It's not always superior to the 150 MLx. For me, some records sound better with the Goldring, while others sound better with the 150.

  17. Traci Lewis

    Absolutely beautiful!💖💖

  18. MANASSÉS AUGUSTO Produtor Musical

    Gregory Porter é como se fosse um grande oásis no imenso deserto do "showbis" atual. Simplesmente alentador!Meu caro gostaria de deixar uma sugestão para uma próxima, sei que tens aí em sua coleção a diva dos pés descalços Cesária Évora. Acho uma ótima opção que tal?Abraço ultramarino.


    Ah Ah, vejo que estavas prestando atenção no video da Billie Holiday! É verdade que tenho esse disco duplo da Cesária Évora, e um dia acabarei por fazer um video com ele. Mas normalmente eu não gosto de fazer promessas em relação a quando farei esse ou aquele video, porque poderei não conseguir cumprir a promessa a tempo. É costume eu escolher o artista para o video no momento em que eu estou curtindo esse artista. É isso que me dá o impulso necessário para me decidir a fazer o video!Abraço ultramarino! ;)

  19. Zikri Al Zaifa

    Hi there, can you provide us with the lossless audio files for your future video projects? Just asking so that we can demo the tracks. Thank you.

  20. HiFisquarepants

    Very nice music and touching lyrics :) In heaven reminds me of "Cheek to cheek", hehe, although the moods are opposites. Congrats; the picture effect on "In Heaven" looks like you were in heaven actually :O


    Hola Rui, disculpa por apenas comentar en este excelente video, espero que esta vez sí me lleguen las notificaciones de tu canal.Las canciones muy buenas, creo que es de lo bueno que se puede comprar hoy en día, tu video muy relajado a la par de la musica, me gustaron mucho las tomas que creo que son del interior de la caratula.Felicitaciones Rui, gracias por compartir.


    Gracias Carlos! 😉You don't have to apologize for anything, you are always welcome to this channel whenever you decide to pay me a visit!And yes, those pictures are from the inside of the gatefold cover.

  22. Paulo Gomes

    Thanks for this amazing song!


    Obrigado! 👍🏼

  23. spieluhr maestro carnicero

    Gracious - Once on a Windy Day, please!!!

  24. andre reed

    Nice and clean !

  25. Igor Maia

    Uau, ainda não conhecia! Que fantástico, soa como a mais bela poesia aos ouvidos! Obrigado pela introdução e abração do Brasil!


    Obrigado, e abraço ultramarino! :)

  26. ATAKER66

    Great quality videos! Can you do more Nina Simone or some Amy Winehouse? Thanks =)


    I might do another video with Nina Simone in a near future.As for Amy Winehouse, i don't have any vinyl record from her.


    cool. Ill be looking forward to it. I hope you get a listen to her too.

  27. Raymond Wills

    Sounds amazing! Thanks for the upload))

  28. BryanX 64

    You're more into solo musicians than bands, aren't you?


    Not really, at least it's not a deliberate choice, and i don't think about that when i buy records, or when i make a new video.When i'm more into jazz or soft jazz, it's more likely to choose solo artists because i guess this is more common on this kind of music. But when i'm into rock or pop, i like bands too!

  29. FigVinyl

    OH YEAH!! I love Gregory Porter's music. Love Gregory Porter. Love Gregory Porter. Did I say..... Yes to Gregory Porter! First time seeing in vinyl community. Now this is truly a time I'm gonna not like seeing you lift the needle. Surprises this week in vinyl for me for sure! Love it! Thanks for the post! Gotta say this, too... just love seeing mirror image of new vinyl on a turntable, haha! Thumbs up! :)


    Wait a minute, let me get this straight because i'm not sure if i understood. Are you saying that you love Gregory Porter's music??? 😜😜I have two other Gregory Porter videos on my channel besides this new one.


    Whaaat, think I subscribed about 9 months, how the heck did I miss that? :) Headin back to check them out now! I have 3 of his LP's, there're like comfort food, can't get enough. Today's Nat King Cole I think. Thanks for your post, enjoy the all. :)

  30. Ahmed El-Genedi

    great selection

  31. Lisete Milheiriço

    Amazing!!! ;)


    Pois é! 😜

  32. CB Fall

    Very excellent tracks!!!

    CB Fall

    @MrVinylObsessive :-)

  33. Tal Risin

    "This video is not available" :(

    Tal Risin

    Works now :)

  34. Comicdominicano

    Hello:Congratulations, This is a great Album made by the well known soft baritone Gregory Porter. "In Heaven" is a romantic lyrical ballad, he has a great voice, Mr Porter did a very confortable interpretation. "Insanity" is a deep and clean song, no need to be an expert to understand. In that song Gregory Porter reminds me to Billy Joel. Great Trumpet solo too! This is the proof. Out there, there are musicians, with real instruments, real voices still making real music in 2016. :) About the video: as usual, great images of delight Your near close to Black and White picturing style enhance the atmosphere for both songs. I didn't expect to play this "double play" again. Really I did over five time actually. I think, it helped, at this moment, we are still under the colateral effects from the Hurricane Matthew.. there were three days and three nights with heavy rain and, at this moment, the sky is very cloudy :)Nice to hear and watch your video. Best!


    Five times, uh? Glad you liked Raul!I'm a big fan of Gregory Porter, i have all of his 4 albums in vinyl. He was in Portugal last year, but i missed the opportunity to watch him live... maybe next time! 😒The near black and white look is actually a process named bleach bypass. It's a digital simulation of an old chemical technique that was used to treat the film print on movies. It's like mixing a black and white picture with a color version of the same picture. It's a strange but sometimes interesting effect.I saw the news about the Hurricane Matthew, (where do they get all this names for the Hurricanes? 😁) i hope everything is fine with you!


    Hi, Five?.. No, Actually over 10 times ;)Yes, your visual process is pretty nice, fits so well for the atmosphere of this great music!About Hurricanes: In the past they were named using the book of Catholics Saints. There are a big problem with catholic saints names. Names are assigned according to the day of saint, the next day the name is changed to the other Saint. For tracking, registers and statistics is so complicated, one hurricane can owns over 10 saints names :) The third of septiembre of 1930 the Hurricane who hit our coast was named "San Zenón" but two days previous, was named "San Gil" in Puerto Rico ". in 1930 San Gil and San Zenón was the same hurricane World Meteorological Organization develops a list of names, assigned in alphabetical order. Who are those people whose names are used for that list?Really I don't know. Maybe WMO staff are using their own names for that! :) Best!

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