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Mey Menem
Elvin Mirzezade - Mey Menem
: Mey Menem
: 5.76 MB
: 22 Toplam İndirme
13-04-2024 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 22 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Elvin Mirzezade - Mey Menem )
Mey Menem Şarkı Sözü

Elvin Mirzezade Mey Menem Mp3 İndir, Mey Menem Müzik İndir Dinle

Take away the agony of separation from me,
I was a victim of sin, like Adam was.
Where are the moths whirling in the fire of love?
I am both grief and a candle that burns until the early morning.

Pour me some wine, as I am sad;
Fill the glasses, as there are tears in my eyes.
It seems that there is no one here and I am alone
Just a glass of wine and I'm a little drunk.

Take away the agony of separation from me,
I was a victim of sin, like Adam was.
Where are the moths whirling in the fire of love?
I am both grief and a candle that burns until the early morning.

I was deceived by the devil on my own wish.
My words shine the same as my torment does.
Picked grapes with my left hand while being in hell
I am the devil, and torment, and the hell.

Take away the agony of separation from me,
I was a victim of sin, like Adam was.
Where are the moths whirling in the fire of love?
I am both grief and a candle that burns until the early morning.
Mey Menem Anahtar Kelimeler
Elvin Mirzezade Mey Menem Mp3 İndir Dinle , Elvin Mirzezade Mey Menem Şarkı Sözleri , Elvin Mirzezade Albümleri , Elvin Mirzezade Mey Menem Cep Telefonuna Mp3 İndir,Mey Menem bedava mp3 indir ,Mey Menem cepten ücretsiz indir, Elvin Mirzezade Mey Menem Mp3 İndir Dur

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