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İkinci Dünya
Tutku - İkinci Dünya

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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Tutku - İkinci Dünya )
  1. Sarah AlS

    this is my favorite video on youtube. Exactly what I needed.

  2. Lara Smith

    🦋So important to follow your passion and never settle

  3. Shahin Islam

    i wish i could listen this 5 years ago!

  4. jkanclark

    I actually just can’t stand the word. So over-used in the workplace among managers trying to ‘coach’ their reports.

  5. Anamika Raghav

    Your speech made me cry, it is like the life phase i am stuck in. When anyone asks me about my passion, i really dont have any specific thing to tell. Although i have done excellent in my studies, job till now. But i always felt like i am lacking something, so tried very hard to find my passion but nothing got clicked.Thanks for this, from now i wont run after to find the "passion".

  6. Dariusz Łukasik

    Thanks a lot for this video.

  7. [aFe_] jmabaya

    I have to write an essay about what I want to be when I grow up though.

  8. Michael OchoaRomero

    What if I’m passionate for cars?

  9. Michael OchoaRomero


    Peter Griffin

    The capital letters

  10. John Bailey

    I’ve been self employed for 35 years, as a contractor, and not every job is great,, but let me tell you this when I go home at the end of the day , and I’ve worked hard , and completed a ton of work,,, I have peace and satisfaction, when I build a deck or garage and it’s perfect to my personal satisfaction, that gives me joy,, when I can go back twenty years later and see something I’ve built standing there,, It’s always great

  11. Emily Dickinson - songs project

    Strange, I wanted to write a comment while watching,which is similar to what she say at the end of the video,but with a difference(don't look for passion, real passion will find you)this happens when you can't leave it even if it doesn't make you earn money

  12. Barekzay Faizy

    No idea who to believe , I’m still searching my passion

  13. Андрей Онищенко

    To be fair, I hate when people say "just start doing" or something like that. If I could, I would long time ago

  14. SnakeDiet

    5:11 I agree with this guy.

  15. Stacy Mackenzie

    You're not the boss of me and I'll push every damn button in the elevator if I want to! But anyway

  16. Owen Francis

    This is one of those “agree to disagree” moments.Ps. I love her passion 😉

  17. Anderson Mendonça Barreiros

    She is right! Beyond of it, it is ok to really like what you do at your workplace, but it can´t be your passion. because passion is something idolized, perfect. and there is no way your job will be perfect and comfortable all the time!

  18. Siavash Esteki

    She is passionate about making money. I am too, but I can't do anything to make it.

  19. Mary McCormick

    The best advice I've seen in a very long time. Thank you Ms. Trespicio!!

  20. Jade Love

    Nobody said that.

  21. SeeGeL cG ALz

    Wht eva u do..., make sure ur 🚷 accountable for the results 📌

  22. Tinotenda Chimbwanda

    Eye opening talk. Special thanks Terri.

  23. ZUHKYE _

    I needed this. This touched my heart!

  24. ChristDriven

    Awesome, I needed this. Thank you

  25. oceanpoet1

    one of the most intelligent talks on this subject

  26. Slim 217

    Goodness we have similar experiences. Thank you for sharing!

  27. Jason S

    Those legs though

  28. felipe montoya alvarez

    Marvelous Speech!

  29. Hamza Aouadi

    Makan9aleb 3la passion , raha 3endi kan9aleb n3raf kifach nkhdemha Passion bela études makatsswa hta chihaja O kan9leb 3la liberté bach nkhdem 3la rahti Wach chadin lik kolchi , tal9o ghir lmac khaliwni nkhdem 3la rassi ❤️

  30. K B

    Don't think she realises how funny she is - when she says her friend "Scott Adams 'failed his way to success', I'm thinking "maybe I could 'fail my way to failure!' Also, love it when she says "you show me someone who washes windows for a living and I'll bet they aren't someone who has a passion for clean glass!" - hahaha My window cleaner didn't either, he left a massive smear /fingerprints in one corner that I had to clean myself in the end, since he returned to clean the wrong door (I was out and my son was 'supervising')...

  31. TheJo6666

    Wonderful..! Thank you

  32. Kaden Spade

    Yes do something but find out what you like best.... simpler. Don't stay a window washer your whole life.

  33. Zed Word

    I never subscribed to the concept of a "true calling". I think some people figure out a career track they want to follow young and thats great, but i doubt that most of those people will want to do that same thing their whole lives. To those that dont know, look for opportunities, apply, learn and go make some money! Along the way i think most people will find some satisfaction and happiness

  34. type2red

    Fantastic video, thank you.

  35. Freaky Fish

    I really need this advice. I'm 20, graduating soon, I don't like my course, and I don't know what I'm passionate about. Oh yes, life.

    Nghia T

    I'm just like you 2 years ago. If you are a male, I recommend you to apply for the military. It cost you nothing but it will give you alot of life experiences ( and a nice chunk of money in where I live)

    Freaky Fish

    @Nghia T I wish I could do that, just for the experiences, but I'm a girl. Currently taking an engineering course, just going with the flow.

  36. Ketki Kumbhojkar

    Thank you.

  37. Mystic pluto123

    I have a passion for not giving a f*** about anyting

  38. yenneti hema

    Were 898ß

  39. Loko8

    thank you so much, i've been in the same opportunity waiting for my passion to show up blind to the fact that if had spent all that time taking all opportunities given to me i would be a lot wealthier, seriously thank you this is what i needed to hear!

  40. Rimi G

    "Passion is a feeling, not a plan! And feelings change." Finally I get to hear that nothing is wrong with me ✌

  41. Naved Ali Khan

    My passion is to make money... 💰 lot's of it... Someone help me now

  42. The Recommend

    Omg I so relate

  43. SonsOfScotland -

    This is one of the most logical videos i’ve ever seen -

  44. Morgan Mosley

    God, I needed to hear this.

  45. Phone Backup

    9:20 that's so Rachel...😂

  46. MrMopar426h

    She is just so crazy hot. Smart girls are just incredible. We need more women in the world like her.

  47. Eslam Ahmed

    You talking about me.

  48. Rohan Sharma

    This is one of the most thought-provoking Ted Talks I have ever seen! Great insights.

  49. Archangel Raphael

    sometimes your passion finds you in ways you can NOT predict

  50. Mix Channel

    I typed in "how to find your passion" and I am glad I was able to watch this video.

  51. game funda


  52. zatacka123

    Voila! this was what I was waiting for.

  53. Hunter Crain

    This inspired me to care less about things than I already do.

  54. Giss C.S

    My best friend told me this: "Start doing things maybe later, you'll actually want to do those things." And that's what I've been doing since then, waking up every morning and going to college, I'm still struggling with what I'm passionate about it but I'm still here so there's a chance.

  55. Belen Gwynn


  56. Coleman Adamson

    Your problem was and perhaps still is, you need a marry.

  57. Hapment Lee

    She's so great

  58. silentthriller

    I wholeheartedly agree. I'm work in a field I have almost no passion about, but realize I am fortunate to be in this field.

  59. mido dido

    Thank you..You said exactly what I want to tell every one.

  60. Dr Grey

    I'm not passionate about anything and happy with anything

  61. Aman Kumar

    only the last minute was useful....really....

  62. Tuan Hoang

    love it

  63. j.c man

    I'm 24 in college and having trouble finding my passion in life, been stressed out for days with little sleep fortunately this video just happened to pop out of no where I'm skeptical about fate but maybe this time its an exception.

  64. imsun

    WOW, it's all about her.

  65. charles schauer

    Find things in your job to enjoy

  66. Daniel Ryslink

    Number 1 life credo - don't let the woman in red boss you around. LULz

  67. Vy vy Leo

    i think she is right, i'm actually not interested in language at the first time, but i want to communicate, so i keep reading, keep listening to the new language, and it turned out that i extremely love to learn a new language.

  68. Sisistar

    I think this video was made for me

  69. Terri Godfrey

    I knew you Terry, when we were selling Silpada Designs. Memories!

  70. Lara o.

    Perfect timing!!

  71. Bonnie Liu

    Thank you!

  72. Adil Hamid

    Now my passion is to not be passionate about my passion.. Seems recursive!!

  73. Gianluca Castro

    Absolutely amazing, she answered a question I have always been thinking about.

  74. Abhishek Patidar

    Thank you..

  75. Łukasz Grygiel

    On the other hand - watch Ella Luna talk about Crossroads of Should & Must. Different approach to the topic of passsion.

  76. B A

    “Success fuels passion, more then passion fuels success”

  77. Jamie Lange

    I have mixed opinions about this vid.You can be passionate about many things. I've realized recently that there's a lot of things I want to do. I've had several passions for a long time, but I've stopped asking myself which one I love more.Trying new things is a great way to discover passions. Both in work and in your freetime.Success doesn't always create more passion and sometimes passion comes first. I started out passionate about learning to play bass, got good and then lost my passion.Passion can be lost. Sometimes it is because doing one thing only becomes boring.And sometimes you're just not getting anywhere with it.Earning money is a perfectly valid reason to get a job.Passion won't always lead to money, sadly. But sometimes they do. It's unlikely that you'll be an artist but a love for languages could lead to a translation job.Some people out there really do have one main passion. They do the same thing almost everyday.

  78. Robyn H

    ok she didn't have to snap on us like that, but i mean someone had to do it.Loved this.

  79. rmhanseniii

    I get the feeling that she’s an actress, hired to make a speech..I get what she’s saying but I don’t trust her

  80. Void 007

    Words I’m not keen on which are used too much nowadays..passion,embrace and empowerment..

  81. PG M

    Life's a like a fight, a boxing match up where in u wanna throw that right hand but u just can't wait to do that, u do have to keep jabbing till u get an opening. If u do it with out the right opening u will be caught with an counter left hook.Passion or opportunity is not the only thing or route to success, success is a by product of many things a combination of right choices decisions hard work smartness and a stamp of God which people call luck.Seen people call it their passion After they win and they truly love it also seen people who lost their life following their passion.Passions like going for the glory shot, seams well when u pull it off or u look like a tool.

  82. Scott Platts

    so we all should give up ours dreams and just became bunch soulless robots.

  83. Finest Celebrities Videos

    Amazing TedTalk

  84. Dewey B

    Wow! I think I needed that. Well done.

  85. Kepe Whiso

    omg ... I'm so glad I just came across this video because I have been lately so confused with my life and this message of hers has truly touched me🙏 ...

  86. Snakewhisperer

    I've never been passionate about anything or anyone.If you are genuinely passionate about anything then be VERY grateful because it is a gift.


    Yeah same here

    Dhiraj Gawande

    @Renu Hazari understandable

    Nivedita Nadimpalli

    I totally agree


    @Renu Hazari im a lawyer also work as a librarian, also love to produce music on my own, passion comes and goes, still the lady is soooo right, i will keep doing those things and i will keep helping the people i know , as good as i can !

    Renu Hazari

    @pauleuro16 😍wow im a good cook n i love cooking like crazyBit it wont take me anywhere...all those househild skills that u hv will make me a housewife n nothing else...especially now that i hv to go through arranged merriage....its complicated 😞

  87. Jazy's Channel

    I needed this thank you

  88. Joel Hall

    So:She didn't really know what to do with her life, had a few dead end office jobs, joined a MLM pyramid scheme, and doesn't really have any plan?Thing is I agree with the title to a degree, but it just sounds like she doesn't have a clue what she wants to do.

  89. DDream 1986

    I like bacon and cheese burgers because they taste nice.

  90. Mohammad Sonu Khan

    Thanks for everything you do for us

  91. oldschoolwaverider

    Developing an interest in a useful career springs to mind.

  92. Tsha4life

    I’m in that stage of not knowing my passion and I’ve been waiting for a long time. Perhaps I’ll try to limit myself with the singular passion. Yet the job I’m doing now to get paid and live a life doesn’t satisfy me. I don’t hate it but it’s just not fulfilling. It’s not that simple to just do whatever and that’s my puzzle to solve.

  93. Bonita Applebum

    I came across this while still searching for my passion 😔

  94. Kimi Tursi

    I really needed to hear this. I just graduated high school, and I wish someone would have told me thiss during college applications and choosing a major!

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