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I'm Your Hope
Sami Yusuf - I'm Your Hope
: I'm Your Hope
: 3.13 MB
: 273 Toplam İndirme
12-08-2017 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 273 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Sami Yusuf - I'm Your Hope )
  1. Ibrahim Gargary

    Very nice

  2. Heni khoirunisa

    Kayakinan saya keyakinan muhamad

  3. Lerana Hope

    Lyric is baddd :(((( made.

  4. Lilith

    يوهه يقدمي ابله امل😂😭😭

  5. Sayad Akbari

    Salam deyirəm qardaşıma cox sagol Hello my brother God bless you سلام برادر خدا برکتت دهد

  6. Ruqayye Bagirova

    Love song👍☝😥😘❤

  7. shahd شهد

    very nice💓💓

  8. Lilith

    بيضنا وجه ابله امل😂❤❤❤❤❤ خلاصصص م بنذاكر الكتاب كله😭😭🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

    shahd شهد

    wr4vههههههههه واضحححح

  9. Sara X

    رح نبيض وجهك بكره أن شاء الله الله يوفقك ويسعدك -بنفقدك يا احلا استاذه

    Tarek Mohamed

    Sara X Pop

  10. Sara X

    احب ابله امل وشكراً🌺

  11. Sara X

    Special thanks to teacher amal ♥️i love you

  12. تهاني العبدلحق

    اي والله خلتنا نحفظه بس بعد ما حفظنااه صارت سهله ابله امل❤

  13. lemona loom

    ابله امل خلتنا نحفظها 🌝💙

    kesha 00_

    lemona loom هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه الحال من بعضه.

    lemona loom

    kesha 00_ هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

    DAL 911

    lemona loom ههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه الحال من بعضه ٢ 🖤🙄


    الحال من بعضه٣ هههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههههه

  14. Amina Darseba

    Nice sing I like it

  15. Fatma Ali

    حلوه اوي

  16. asss_34 asss77

    ما شاء الله

  17. farich n

    suka suka suka all song sami yusuf i love it...may allah bless u brother...

  18. Raed ibrahim

    i am wish becomy any sami he mam very good im loveyo him

  19. hasni kosovali

    thé vert song

  20. هدير المكصوصي

    the world's is very big and filled many people good and not I can't joy and all the time I cry and don't speak the hurt in my heart

  21. Ana Lina

    i like this song it's wonderful ♡

  22. Giti Zabardast

    I love this song so much...its all the reality of the world...

  23. m alsif

    waaaw ferry nice song

  24. Nuhat Nuhat

    I am proud that am human

  25. nchioui sara

    d'ont give up .. you have the hope :) ========> I love this song and I love this singer and maher zin too :)

  26. Ahmd Ali

    اجمل صوت رائع

  27. Ferid Hesenov

    Samiyusufun mahnisini dislike edenler inaniram ki sadece eliniz sehv deyib yoxsa ...

  28. Enes Göçer

    Harika bir şarkıya harika bir klip olmuş :))

  29. Niena Kay

    :) I love this song.. Im proud to be a muslim 

    مزمل جترات

    I wish you be a muslim

    sarmand lak

    inshala you be a muslim :) :D

  30. screem kw

    الله عليك يامبدع 

  31. Homo sapiens TV

    Sami was born in Iran. His family and relatives have been living in Iran for hundreds of years. He is "Azeri". But in Iran, Azeris are viewed as any iranian.

  32. okan aytay

    No! Sami Yusuf is Turkish

  33. baaloulou

    God help you there my brother .God help this generation to help their Countries <3 PEACEEEEE

  34. hadger jojo

    very nice

  35. Hp Ph

    is it allowed for a person to say : i am your faith? we must be careful about loosing faith unknowingly.

  36. cakan2




  38. اليوم Today

    this great song always remembers me of one of my best friend God bless u Abo 3Abd & Canada

  39. claudia brands

    wonderful <3

  40. Samana Raza

    i luv his songs

  41. Dido M

    I am proud because I am a Muslim and born a Muslim

  42. Muhamed besultanov

    MashaAllah danke Sami und Allah helfen die und cum glyihe die loite...

  43. Pink Nescafe

    malaysia love u sami yusuf

  44. irfan hossen

    May this nasheed be a blessing to thousands and change them from this deceptive world of devil to another blissful world of peace and tranquility

  45. Dowsy Yusuf

    luvly nasheed

  46. Abd Alrahman Jomaa

    Very beautiful song , so good luck with new life

  47. Nadja Sanane


  48. Eshal Ali

    wonderfullllllllll song

  49. MrKoko8787

    harapan-malay language

  50. Esraa Ahmed

    god bless you bro

  51. Esraa Ahmed

    god bless you all there

  52. MsZiemo

    This video creeps me out e_e.... Love the music But..I feel like i'm wantching a ghost

  53. Chaimaa Elmoudden

    salam o alikom all my brother in islam hope god blesse all of uu

  54. iB2STful

    Sami God bless you. <3

  55. eliinbeth

    :) from germany

  56. Ardian Ajvazi

    Selam Alejkum my brothers of islam im from kosovo

  57. Gkafghani


  58. Fanlee1

    Great Workd, and beautiful song !! :)

I'm Your Hope Şarkı Sözü

Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Mp3 İndir, I'm Your Hope Müzik İndir Dinle

Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Şarkı Sözleri


You are the hope for our globe

Don't give up nor despair

There's nothing you can't repair

You can change this world to a better world

With your souls, with your souls

Do not harm me, I am your truth

Do not kill me, for I'm your youth

I am your hope, I am your truth

I'm your faith, I'm your youth


Bilqawli walamal, antumul-amal

With words and action, you are the hope

Salimhum ya rabb

Grant them peace oh lord, grant them peace oh lord

Bil-ilmi wal-qalam, yudfa'u-l'alam

Through knowledge and the might of the pen, pain will be pushed aside

La tansani ana dhameeruk

Don't forget me for I'm your conscience

La tu'dhini ana shababuk

Don't harm me I'm your youth

Salimhum ya rabb

Grant them peace oh lord, grant them peace oh lord

I'm Your Hope Anahtar Kelimeler
Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Mp3 İndir Dinle , Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Şarkı Sözleri , Sami Yusuf Albümleri , Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Cep Telefonuna Mp3 İndir,I'm Your Hope bedava mp3 indir ,I'm Your Hope cepten ücretsiz indir, Sami Yusuf I'm Your Hope Mp3 İndir Dur

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