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Pink Floyd - Money

Pink Floyd - Money indiriliyor

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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Pink Floyd - Money )
  1. Captain beardy

    *Breathes in 7/4*

  2. Mika Sammallahti

    I have money day (today)👌😎💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶💶

  3. pegasus

    just the attention that count, even an anti attention is better that no attention and monney for nothing without real hand job

  4. Jason Johnston

    Wow listen to that sax

  5. Crazy Uncle Ted

    Sell your soul! Texas is hiring law enforcement people to hunt cancer patents... new car, new house. We have all the things your Judas ass needs. Big bucks for the right people!

  6. Kwales66

    Im so whatvere ,.....

  7. Maggie Mae

    Love pink floyd.

  8. sergio rodriguez

    Siempre es como si fuera la primera vez que escuchó está canción 😍

  9. Undervania Music

    7/8 time makes me happy

  10. Ramjet ejmar

    Pink Floyd . . . 'nuff said.

  11. Ryan Hackland

    first time i heard this was in the italian job

  12. Stephen Gilberg

    One of the few songs in septuple meter I can name.

  13. Станислав Лемке

    Сейчас таких классных групп нет!

  14. Pheunith: Psychic-Water Type

    That is one thick slick sick car.

  15. Peter Goettler

    Note: ("Lion"): Coin

  16. Peter Goettler

    Classic Rock Hits!Thanks.

  17. Haseeb Waheed

    When a video from one of the best British band shows an American football clip instead of the real football on "think I'll buy a football team"

  18. Hagen muriel Angel Espinosa

    I love the bass

  19. Captain beardy

    This is somehow both the best and worse song on the album

  20. Looseel Scott

    I'm pissed… This is an edited version

  21. Shane Rutherford

    I like that bass intro. :)

  22. Valeriy

    0:37 2:17 Where was It filmed?

  23. Mason Rice

    Can I just know we went from coins to buildings blowing up please

  24. TheProresRoke24 [GD]

    pls suscribe XD

  25. Qusai Mohammed

    Listening to this , while trying to hit the stock market

  26. ww eeyut


  27. Sam Moss

    nice when you have it...not so when ya ain't got none....let's make Greed Great Again....ain't it.

  28. Alejandro Rollano


  29. Vern Hoke

    Since way back in high school when this album first came out, sometime in 1972, I've owned it on vinyl, 8-track, cassette, "Original Master Recording" virgin vinyl, CD and Super Audio CD. This has been a part of my life for 46 years now and is still relevant to this day.

  30. Thanadol Jarujinda

    Pink Floyd..😁😁😁😁😁😁

  31. FranzmusAusus Puffgrinker

    *The Problem of Too Many Potatoes*In short, society is too bountiful and uninteresting and not very historically inclined. This creates an abundance of free time which leads to crime. This is linked to agricultural products which allow for cities to thrive as shown in the Medieval age. One of every one hundred people in America is substantially rich. The rich are uninteresting or not very lucrative in their hobbies which creates tension and blandness. The legal system, including the police, have too much free time and resources and end up creating charges on misdemeanored crimes which are simply better off ignored or handled by the citizens. This just creates more problems. There are no apple pies or lemonade because you simply have too many apples and lemons. The media is simply bought by the top 1% and marketed. These are not editor's choice spots. These bands, writers, and celebrities invest heavily on their own gambits. The constant chores of earlier times are unnecessary because households do not need to double the outcome of a potato. There are simply no historical examples of overabundance for easy solutions. When Pythagoras made his mathematical community they had to contribute all of their possessions. Think about that. It's the ideal university. Money leads astray from the truth and discipline necessary. Unfortunately, there are very few unsolved math problems in number theory; two, I think. Sure, we were left on my mother's side from old Charles V investments and New World dreams on my father's. I don't think these media campaigns reach that level of investment money, but...

  32. José Deras

    Personalmente todo el Album es execelente esmuybuena musica

  33. José Deras

    Personalmente todo el album es excente

  34. Texalf

    I'm sorry but how is this song considered a masterpiece? It's boring and generic

    A Computer Chip

    no, it's a masterpiece. you don't to have to feel the same.

  35. Colin

    Henry McCullough "I don't know; I was really drunk at the time"

  36. andrea volz

    was a good time - what was changed ? Nothing

  37. กิตติศักดิ์ แก้ววินิจ

    2019 money

  38. elanit Perez

    Love ja ja 😃

  39. Wimpy kid

    Why so underated

  40. Samah Zailaie

    where can i find the original music video without cutting and thank you.

    I'm Wack

    Samah Zailaie this is Pink Floyd, they aren’t gonna respond lol

    Samah Zailaie

    I'm Wack i’m not asking pink floyd 😒

  41. Seamus Jones

    Legal tender, a promissory note. A fancy IOU, a tool to measure time and talent....(?) Or an evil plot by the rich to keep our eyes on a dangling rotting worthless carrot(?) Instead of land, fisheries, game herds, natural resources...Think b4 I speak to this...

  42. Pablo Gonçalves

  43. Max Spencer

    Old school but its gngsta

  44. Quin Wolff

    better to be happily poor than miserably rich

  45. Abdul S. Esa

    Wow 😮, I didn’t know that. Money was pink Floyd.

  46. Subcomandante Marcos

    I miss those dancing munchkins

  47. Fabricio Caldas

    O único sistema quê existe. Seja capitalista, operário mas não morra de fome

  48. papa gato

    siempre que la estoy escuchando creo que es una de las mejores canciones de este mundo

  49. Tim Sadinski

    Failure is today's society you might say what the hell am I talking about I fucking great then you failed because there's no I in we

  50. Rosa Zgamora

    malditas lacras illuminatis noz controlan unico salvador jesus abran los onos nada ase mas felis q DIOS

  51. John Keats

    Words cannot express......

  52. Tania Arevalo

    Me recuerda a un mágico ser! Starrk!

  53. omegagilgamesh

    A member of my DnD group just completed a heist in her character's downtime, and she texted us this song.

  54. sammy plays

    [everyone liked that]

  55. james lye

    Money in itself is not evil ~~ it is the use of money many times in a most negative way, that is evil. At least it is to this rocker ~~ comments please ~~ Peace and Tranquility

  56. Karl Engstrom

    Bacteria? I run from milk jug to milk jugRats, around hear hit the holeRats, opossum, racoon... The filthy is not a good thangClean it all up!!

  57. Lucas Silva

    Great song

  58. Claudio Vandelli

    life ? .. seems always the same : orgy of money & power ..

  59. Derek Escalante

    Amazing song and message

  60. P_A_O masho

    El negro me la sirve

  61. Bolatbek Bukharbekov

    Флойды супер!

  62. econogate

    Audio is way too quiet on this.

  63. Dennis Jacob

    Money in itself is not evil. The love of money is evil.

  64. Dennis Jacob

    Still very true today

  65. Cheryl Maroz

    Money a necessary evil

  66. kenji kendiria medeiros ouki


  67. sabri tebourski

    This song still sounds actually because there is still the same problem of inequity nowaday the richs become more richest and the poors more poorest since 1973.

  68. Alex p

    Just hit the replay button for the 4th time lol

  69. Vinicius r coutinho

    Money, é o que falta pra o povo aqui no Brasil.

  70. Robert Burdick

    cardi who?

  71. Gisselle S

    Incredible song, video and quality.

  72. Esteban Marrucho

    i was playing guitar on the Youtube version and realised that there is only 1/3 of the solo.

  73. Светлана Скворцова

    И тут мы такие с равенством и братством.....

  74. SanyPandy

    What is that turntable someone please halp

  75. artur kuznecov

    НЕ стареющая Money !!!

  76. Music is life

    What do you think about my solo with improvisation cover?

  77. Tommaso Di Lillo

    a cardi b cio mettess ncul,ma pur 'mocca e miez e zizz

  78. Александр Савельев

    Люди гибнут за металл металл нас переживёт

  79. Jerry Racca

    I want my money bill!

    Jerry Racca

    You owe me.......carrier punk!

    christopher carrier

    20 bucks $ enough? Will that keep u in this world?

    christopher carrier

    U commented on a video with 2k comments and u want me to find rac....hey hows mom?

    christopher carrier

    Tony is a cat lady a batman costume

  80. Mark Vlahos


  81. Kev In

    This came on while a couple of friends and i were playing billiards, needless to say we all felt badass

  82. Cara M. Trump

    not a clue Pink Floyd was older then me> born 1965.

  83. Carpac pac

    Irish thing. 121👍👍👍👍👍

  84. ᗪAMoήrỮ ➈➆

    I was born in the right generation to discover these masterpieces together

  85. FranzmusAusus Puffgrinker

    In is an increasingly common theme that people do not understand that it is education which is the driving force behind one's social status in both work and play. One cannot out man and out force through violent overthrow in modern society because the educational and historical roots are too deeply planted. Do not fall by this way because that trench runs both deep and shallow. It is not a cut and dry system, especially economically, but is a long complex road full of dips, valleys, and mountains. There is a high bar consisting of levels of book disinformation in education much like in the government. This can make a social climb slow and embarrassing like a security checkpoint on a base and even cause public violence or personal distress and estrangement. Just relax and save your dignity and keep the understanding. One cannot just supersede a sea of people and collect a check and have instant respect. Money goes a long way but without a complex understanding one's investments will eventually fail. An example is religion another is sexuality. One cannot simply disconnect and become an atheist, drug-free, or a celibate because you instantly supersede an ocean of people. It takes dedication and historical and scientific value. These checkpoints will mess you up. NK

  86. Татьяна Васильевна

    Всегда вставляло:мир наживы и читогана. Лайк брилиантовый.

  87. Paulo Rocha

    A música só mostra a verdade. muitos sem nada e poucos com muito dinheiro trump e um nasceu rico já, nada contra ao capitalismo, a concorrência e boa abre mercado para todos ex. Aqui nos EUA um camaro e 32 mil dólares no brasil e 200 mil mais que merda e essa vc se mata de trabalhar no brasil e não consegue quase nada. 100 dólares vc compra muita comida no Walmart já no brasil 100 reais não da pra nada, tem que mudar essa cultura do brasileiro que tudo que se pagar e caro, só quem pode mudar isso é o povo, então pessoal vamos mudar esse Karalho não ao monopólio. Isso só traz precos absurdo 65 centavos de dólar no litro da gasolina aqui EUA, no brasil o cara pagar quase 7 mil no iPhone x, fica a dica vamos ser mais patriotas.


    Hello fellow Pink Floyd fan. How’s ur day been? Have you been drinking water? It’s getting very hot outside.


    You don't say, 40C outside every bloody day.

  89. Felice M

    Awesome 😄

  90. FeddZii

    I showed this to Cardi, now she's sad

  91. Litol Drummor boi

    Sickest bass ever

  92. Synmorfitelia

    📂C:└📁Music └📁Pink Floyd └📁Bad Songs └⚠This folder is empty

  93. Alejandra R.

    Cool :3

  94. Sydney Beans

    I feel this song is about american society and how from a young age were told to make lots of money to be happy and successful and it taking over your life

    Richard Rigazio

    I made enough and am now retired. I like the song.

  95. Anastasia Moore Root chakra yoni herbs

    Now in feeling this song that other song they sound high.

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