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Our Guide Is The Quran
Yusuf İslam - Our Guide Is The Quran
: Our Guide Is The Quran
: 2.73 MB
: 69 Toplam İndirme
12-08-2017 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 69 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - Our Guide Is The Quran )
  1. Raya Cha

    Anyone could write the lyrics please?

  2. Amirah Rosli

    My childhoood ❤️

  3. Najah hu

    listening to these pure voices really heal my heart and soul...... alhamdulillah

  4. ZeddHammock

    This is my jam when I was a kid. I still remember our father bought this CD for us 😊

  5. Face In The Crowd

    I still remember this from my childhood:,)

  6. Izdi Kk

    Makes me cry every time 💕so beautiful Ma'sha'Allah

  7. asma!

    nice nasheed mashallah

  8. Aamirah Patel

    May Allah grant us all janatul firdaws

  9. ZenBoss

    I'm crying listening to this its my childhood

  10. Umi Ibrahim

    I love this soo much it calms me down😁😁

  11. Rully Towa

    Assalamua'laykum, jazakalloh khayron katsiron

  12. Farida Burhanuddin

    I like

  13. Billal Westphal

    salam ma alikom an alle Geschwister im islam und ein gesegneten Ramadan vom bruda bilal aus berlin germany sopral es gibt nur drei sorten von Menschen die im Quran genannt werden die)Gläubigen ,die Ungläubigen und die Heuchler also hör auf deine Missgunst zu verbreiten Gott soll zwischen uns Richten

  14. Imm 196

    love it !!!

  15. Mohammed Ghouse Ahmed Khan

    The best islamic song from modern days !!!

  16. bob

    I have been searchin for this song..subhanallah...such deep meaning

  17. Pedro Vaz

    "Our Guide Is The Quran" You mean the Illuminati invented book? No wonder you are total underachievers...

    Maulid Abdullahi

    Shut up if you don't know what you are taking

    Evee Bear

    @Pedro Vaz sure because devil worshippers created a perfect book with zero contradictions and teaches peace. Yea because that makes so much sense. note the sarcasm


    when muslims followed islam as in the early days of islam they were the leaders if te world.pls do some research. its when tbey left the teachings and were taken over by the unbelievers when thwy lost the path.

    Moamar Madali

    we are just temporary in this world.all you can see in this world are fake..

  18. sorpotal

    A Nasheed is a song praising Allah or Islam in some way.Yusuf Islam, the former Cat Stevens, sings: “I’m praying to Allah to give us victory over the kuffr” (unbelievers)? When have you ever heard a Jew or a Christian praying for victory over the unbelievers?


    @M Zaki Muslims cannot live WITH Judeo-Christians - Because Muslims are jealous of their democratic prosperity and success.Muslims cannot live WITHOUT Judeo-Christians - Because Muslims after killing Christians and the Jews start killing each other and flee to Judeo-Christian West begging for 1/2 a slice of bread to eat, medicines and to live in peace.Islam, Growing - in poverty and DIRE STRAITS.ISLAMIC Egypt, Iraq, Syria, Tunisia etc. were civilised prosperous Judeo-Christians before Islam. LOOK after 1405 years ISLAM HAS DONE TO THEMHow and Why did they become Muslims?1. Muhammad said, see Sahih Muslim 1:33 The Messenger of Allah said: "I have been commanded to fight (TO KILL, not to give milk and honey) against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, ..."  The first part of this condition is the Shahada, or profession of faith in Islam.  Violence is sanctioned until the victims embrace Muhammad's religion.2. Hadith Sahih Bukhari 4:52:220 Muhammad said: "I have been made victorious with terror!" —3. Quran 8:12 Allah says "I am a terrorist, I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve in me. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.ALL THE ABOVE THREE COMBINED TOGETHER WITH: Quran 8:67 "It is not fitting for the prophet to have prisoners until he has made a great slaughter in the land."Terrorist Muhammad slaughters men for booty see Quran 8: and 41, taking their wives as sex slaves, and their land and houses as booty.And, If his victims the non-Muslims ran for their lives leaving everything behind - Muhammad KEPT 100% OF THE LOOT FOR HIMSELF see Quran 59:6, because no help was needed from his murdering Jihadis to kill people in the name of Allah.


    @M Zaki Quran 10:93 "And We verily did GIVE unto the Children of Israel a fixed abode." —[O, Really! Then why do 21st. Cent. Muslims object to Jews LIVING in the land that Allah gave them? Israel!] —These are the words of your Allah to Muhammad.* Quran 2:54 After the people worshipped a calf, Moses told them to kill themselves. That, he said, would be best for them. —* Quran 2:55-56 Allah struck Moses with lightning and then revived him just so that Moses would thank him for it! —* Quran 2:60 As you read the Quran you'll notice that many of the Bible's stupidest stories are made even stupider in the Quran. Take Exodus 17:1-6 for example. In the Bible, Moses strikes a rock and water comes out for the Israelites to drink. In the Quran, the same thing happens but there are twelve springs that come out of the rock, one for each tribe of Israel. —* Quran 2:65-66 Allah turned Sabbath-breaking Jews into apes to be despised and hated. All modern Jews are descendants of apes (or all modern apes are descendants of Sabbath-breaking Jews). —* Quran 2:67-69 "Allah told the Jews to sacrifice a bright yellow cow. —* Quran 2:67-69 But they weren't sure what cow to kill. All cows pretty much look alike to Jews. —* Quran 2:71 Somehow they worked it all out, though, and killed a yellow cow. —AND, SO IT GOES ON AND ON - Ignorance is curable but not the 21st. Cent. Muslims' impervious variety of stupidity who believe in an illiterate man saying he spoke FOR his Pagan deity Allah. —LAST BUT NOT LEAST. —* Quran 2:72-3 A man was murdered about the same time that the yellow cow was killed. Nobody knew who the murderer was. So Allah told the people to smite the dead man with a piece of the dead cow. When they did that, the dead man came to life and told everyone who had murdered him. (I hope I got that right.) — AND THERE IS MORE... —* Quran 2:88 "Little is that which they believe." - At least Allah got that  right. —* Whatever nonsense Muhammad spoke to the ignorant illiterate Bedous was wisdom because they could not read or write to challenge Muhammad. Why O! Why 21st. Cent. Muslim deliberately choose to live in ignorance?  Begs belief.

    Bushra Ali

    +sorpotal Read a Surat about day of judgement sweetie.We will get victory over them either way.The Christians and Jews are making our people suffer.


    @Bushra Ali [said; Read a Surat about day of judgement sweetie] YES! sweetie WHY NOT GIVE ME THE SURA AND AYA Numbers? —Why do you depend on your Imams to feed you lies? —I WAS a Muslim - do not undermine me. —IT IS THE QURAN THAT SAYS JESUS IS ALLAH - and - REMEMBER Jesus is in Heaven body and soul GIVING PEACE. Jesus does not NEED - YOUR peace. —Muhammad is dead buried and rotted 6ft under on this Earth in Medina. He will be in his grave when Jesus returns WITH PEACE to judge the living and the dead AS ALLAH says in Quran. —REMEMBER — Allah is KNOWLEDGE —see Quran Luqman (31:34)AND —Al-Ahzab (33:63); Al-Mulk (67:26); The knowledge of the Hour is with Allah (alone). —REMEMBER — Jesus is KNOWLEDGE of the Hour in Quran Az-Zukhruf (43:61):—Quran Az-Zukhruf (43:61) وَإِنَّهُ لَعِلْمٌ لِّلسَّاعَةِ فَلاَ تَمْتَرُنَّ بِهَا وَاتَّبِعُونِ هَـذَا صِرَطٌ مُّسْتَقِيمٌ - And indeed, Jesus will be [لَعِلْمٌ] knowledge of the Hour, so be not in doubt of it, and follow Me (Jesus). This is a straight path [the STRAIGHT PATH of Jesus you will be JUDGE in TRUTH over the living and the dead.] —NOW:—1. Allah is Knowledge of the Hour —See Quran Luqman (31:34); Al-Ahzab (33:63); Al-Mulk (67:26) —And:—2. Jesus will return as Knowledge of the Hour —See Quran Az-Zukhruf (43:61) —* Means:- JESUS IS ALLAH who will come to Judge in Truth the Living and the Dead. —And REMEMBER:—* When Jesus returns. Muhammad will still be dead and buried 6ft. under in his grave. —Continued Below:


    @Bushra Ali CONTINUED from top:—LIVING JESUS WILL come as KNOWLEDGE to judge the living and the dead. See Quran Az-Zukhruf (43:61) —Allah said in Quran Fussilat (41:47): To HIM is attributed knowledge of the Hour. [WHO IS 'HIM'? - Yes, Jesus] (إِلَيْهِ يُرَدُّ عِلْمُ) —So, Quran Saba (34:26) Says: (Jesus as) "Allah will bring us together; then He will judge between us in truth. And He is the Knowing Judge." —Quran Ghafir (40:20) And Allah judges with the truth; —Quran in Yunus (10:94) Allah tells Muslims to consult the Bible, Torah and the Injil. [So, Bible, Torah and the Injil was not corrupted when Allah spoke to Muhammad - When did it get changed? For what?] —NOW:—Quran Al-Anbya (21:91) Says: Jesus is the Spirit son of Allah. [MEANS Quran SAYS TRULY - What Jesus said in Injil John 10:30 I and my Father are one. —Quran Ali 'Imran (3:49) and Al-Ma'idah (5:110) Allah told his son Jesus to BREATHE life (like Allah did unto Adam), Jesus cured the blind and the sick etc. Jesus rose people from the dead. —Quran Al-Anbya (21:91) says ﴾وَالَّتِى أَحْصَنَتْ فَرْجَهَا فَنَفَخْنَا فِيهَا مِن رُّوحِنَا﴿ WE (Allah) breathed into her vagina our spirit (Allah made Mary pregnant with baby Jesus, means Jesus is spirit of Allah) —

  19. zaky arya


  20. Atif Momin

    Childhood nasheed my favorite

  21. Atif Momin

    SubhanAllah i have been looking for this song

  22. Norazashi

    SubhanAllah. I've been searching this song :)

    Abdirahim Mohamed

    Norazashi me too

  23. Queen Gul

    Beautiful Nahseed Mash 'Allah!!! <3

  24. electriickarma

    this is one of my favorite songs and albums

  25. Irfan Kamil

    ALLAH knows everything and there's no other MAN than Allah

  26. Asfia Mubeen

    masha allah ,very nice nasheed

  27. ahmed khalid


  28. ahmed khalid

    one of my favourite nasheeds

  29. jasmine ahmed

    this nasheed is very nice mashallah

  30. Elisia Lima

    Zabardast! Mashallah!

  31. Abdulrahman Solanki


  32. mariam ahmed


  33. Princess Sumayyah

    ONG.....I love this song so much i go to sleep every day

    hu hu

    Ever does😑

  34. Kennethgr8

    Heavenly song--can't get enough

  35. Hamim Chowdhury

    Nice song

  36. ward ahmed

    Nice nasheed! Jazaakumullah khairan.

  37. marzuky aly

    Dusturuna-al Qur’anu Wa Deenuna-al Islamu Arkanuhu Jaleelah da’aimun Fadheelah Wa hiya ash-Shahadatani, qa’aidatul Iman, wa-as Sawmu, Wa-as Salatu, Wa-al Hajju, Wa-az Zakatu Our guide is the Qur’an Our Religion is Islam Five Noble Pillars upholding what is virtuous To make the Testimony is the base of the Faith, and the Fast, and the Prayer, the Pilgrimage and Charity.

    Qudsia Ahmar


  38. wfervin

    Maashallah beautiful!!!

  39. isaacbateman76

    Better than other Nasheed Singer~Kinda nice

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