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If You Ask Me
Yusuf İslam - If You Ask Me
: If You Ask Me
: 3.01 MB
: 80 Toplam İndirme
12-08-2017 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 80 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yusuf İslam - If You Ask Me )
  1. moco

    Mükemmel perfect 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷👏👏👏👏👏

  2. Amany Ahmed

    Where are that Yusuf ...where r u ??

  3. good good

    الحمد لله واستغفر الله

  4. iman charger

    great music, great message. thank you

  5. sunshinee moon

    Pencerelerden seyret iclerine girme...

    Taha Akbaş

    ne demek istedin

    Barış Yılmaz

    Taha Akbaş "Mânen sevdiğin ve alâkadar olduğun ve perişaniyetinden müteessir olduğun ve ıslah edemediğin şu kâinat, bir Kadîr-i Rahîmin mülküdür. Mülkü sahibine teslim et. Ona bırak; cefâsını değil, safâsını çek. O hem Hakîmdir, hem Rahîmdir. Mülkünde istediği gibi tasarruf eder, çevirir. Dehşet aldığın zaman, İbrahim Hakkı gibi'Mevlâ görelim neyler,Neylerse güzel eyler.'de, pencerelerden seyret, içlerine girme."(1)Bu dünyaya bir misafir nazarıyla bakmak icab eder. Mülkü sahibi hakikisine bırakmak icab eder. İnsan bazen sıkıntıya giriftar olabilir. Nitekim bu dünya imtihan dünyasıdır. Cenab-ı Hakk'ın mülkü olan vücudumuzdaki azalar; bazen hasta olur, bazen değişik sıkıntılara maruz kalabilir. Evimiz, barkımız, arabamız, deprem vs. afetlerle zarar görebilir. İşte bu durumlarda dehşet aldığımız vakit, tam olarak Rabbimize teslimiyetimizi izhar edip ona iltica etmemiz icab etmektedir. Böyle bir durumda, yani sıkıntıların dehşetlendiği bir vakitte demeliyiz ki "Mevla görelim neyler / neylerse güzel eyler. Pencerelerden seyret, içlerine girme."Nur Üstad'ın Van'da iki minare yüksekliğinde olan Van kalesinden düşerken demiş olduğu sözü hatırlayalım; "DAVAM!.." Bizler sıkıntıların hakikatını bilip, sıkıntıların nerden geldiğini derk edip, imtihan edildiğimizin şuurunda olup, fazlaca üzerinde durmamalıyız. Ta ki ruhen, aklen rahat edelim. Yani bir mana da pencerelerden seyredip içlerine girmemeliyiz.(1) bk. Mektubat, Yirminci Mektup.Risale-i Nur dan..

    Barış Yılmaz

    İlk paragraf Risale-i Nur külliyatı mektupbat da geçiyor diyet kısımlar açıklama

  6. pre- med

    This is the most touching song I've ever heard

  7. Yasmine Nazarine

    Bless🌻 peace mercy to you Yusuf Islam & to all your friend they sing with you your Ramadan Mubarak💐 ☝✌👍

  8. Yasmine Nazarine

    Almighty Allah above is great & mercifull Barakallah nice NATT-SHARTIFF ☝✌👍🌻

  9. Yasmine Nazarine

    Praise the Lord most high above ☝ AllahMighty god above that our grand father ibraham worshipers from him to Yakuf to his vhikdrebs to mosses to David king to son of virgin 🌹maryam & muhamed

  10. Inspiring the love of Islam

    Yusuf Islam: If you ask me… إن سَألتُم عن إلهي فَهوَ رَحمنٌ رَحيمأنّزَلَ الشَرعَ حَنيفاً رَحمَةً لِلعالَمينرَحمَةً لِلعالَمينإن سألتُم عَن كِتابي فَهوَ قُرآنٌ كَريمضَمَّ دُسّتُورَ الحَياتِي وحَوَى نُورَ المُبِينوحَوَى نُورَ المُبِينIf you ask me who my God isOn whose Name I callIf you ask me who my God isHe's the God of us allAllah, The MercifulIf you ask me what my Book isThat I hold in my handIf you ask me what my Book isIt's the Holy Qur'anThe Holy Qur'anإن سألتُم عَن نبِيي فَهوَ إنسانٌ عَظيمعَلَمَ النّاسَ عُلوماً جَمَعَ دُنّيا و ديندُنّيا و دين جَمَعَإن سَألتُم عَن عَدُوي فَهو شَيطانٌ رَجيمخائِنٌ يَدعُو لِكفرٍ ويُعينُ المُعتَدينويُعينُ المُعتَدينIf you ask me who my Prophet isI will say; Haven't you heard?;His name is Muhammad (Salallahu 'Alayhi Wa Sallam)A Mercy to the WorldsA Mercy to the WorldsIf you ask me who my enemy isI will say; Don't you know?;If you ask me who my enemy isIt's that same old devilThat same old devilإن سَألتُم عن إلهي فَهوَ رَحمنٌ رَحيمإن سألتُم عَن كِتابي فَهوَ قُرآنٌ كَريمفَهوَ قُرآنٌ كَريمإن سألتُم عَن نبِيي فَهوَ إنسانٌ عَظيمإن سَألتُم عَن عَدُوي فَهو شَيطانٌ رَجيمأعوذُ باللهِ من الشَيّطانِ الرَجِّيم

  11. The Truth

    Love it

  12. ilmi proshka

    ما شا الله :)

  13. leapmonkey

    I'm a Jesus follower and I love this song, I just wish it was about my God. Really tho, it's a beautiful song.

    sarah haase

    If you ask me who my God the God of us all

    Yasmine Nazarine

    leapmonkey your fakd god created by Roman pagans Sun god worshipers empaire of the world his name change to 🌞 god to son of god but tofats white people claimed he was white son of god poor aroundvtge warold starve from every part of the world junggls idialabd cantoybs deserts moutains war country none war country all poor for charity white rich church fals 🎁🎄🎅👻🎃& pig shite donations white passport white rich women white rich men money they now down for carryo pictures of the wall of white ⛪💰 talks Jesus was poor no body follow Jesus without donations without something get free for life burders full of beggers starve aroundvtge world most of them pagans deserts canyouns islands junggls they need food charity clothes from where ? From rich western country USA people Texas donations rich white ⛪ like Joel Osteen blue eyes goodooking other white rich ⛪ why not follow Jesus without charity donations ? 🐖 shite white beaty rich men beaty white rich women? There's lots story I 👂 I see in the white ⛪ by white rich people why starve coming in white rich ⛪ you may save from poverty life but your death not ganna save by Jesus fals god only mighty your times comes no Jesus help from turment 🔥 of your fals god was real god why not real Jew in isreal follow call him son of god ??obey Muslims came by charity Catholics white ⛪ infacted with cancer they went to ⛪ for Jesus if Jesus give them second life guess what?both same family both died of cancer middle age women they were rich singer Where's their money fantasy life? sex with many men love sharrab 🍻🍺🍷druggs 💉💊free sex in the city your party singing always party with free men & club pussy sharinky dancing your god did not save them Did Jesus god those sins? You people poor don't flow Jesus it charity & FALS 🎁🎄🎅👻🎃why charistains leaving ⛪ ? They become none witshipers or convert to Islam like this famouse rich good looking white man Praise be to Allah the most high above ☝ that son of virgin🌹maryam bow down & lived in poor poverty in deserts of phlistains

    Janine Washington

    leapmonkey Sub hana Allah jesus is not God🤦


    No matter by what name he is referenced, all gods are one. So you know, it is actually about your god, but in a language(name) you didn't recognize yet. <3

  14. Alex Mattos

    I never get tired of listening to this song

  15. Maya Boulghobra

    Perfect !! I just love it ma sha Allah

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