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La Serena
Yasmin Levy - La Serena
: La Serena
: 3.71 MB
: 73 Toplam İndirme
29-12-2018 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 73 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Yasmin Levy - La Serena )
  1. claudia rodriguez

    No quiero incomodar, me encanta esta artista. Pero tengo curiosidad de saber que posición tienen respecto al asedio contra lxs palestinxs, que igual más ques asedio, es másacre...


    Eso es música? A la mierda

  3. מוחמד היא האחרונה

    nice i love the moroccan jews and i am proud to be a moroccan 

  4. jjgnbf

    Se entiende perfectamente, es castellano antiguo y no se ve que contenga palabras en hebreo u otras lenguas


    jjgnbf es sefardí,pon atención en la pronunciación

  5. samuel eduardo minond

    is good!!!!

  6. Resul Furuncu

    Turkey? Israel? think carefully!


    It is simply the story of the Ladino speaking Jews.Expulsed from the post Reconquista Spain in 1492 (from Portugal in 1496) many found refuge in the Ottoman Empire.Quite a few continued to Israel/Holy Land at various times.Yasmin Levi family is probably one of those.Nothing to day with to day politics.They kept with them the language of old,as jjgnbf says above ;"Castellano antiguo".Sometimes words from other languages were "adopted" into Ladino but apparently not in this song.

  7. socorro samperio

    wow beautiful, this must be the origen of flamenco music, the sefardi music

  8. moreamy

    Wunderschön! Danke für das Posten.

  9. Anees Baloum

    Free Palestine

    Giampaolo Arienti

    And fuck sionism

  10. אבי אזובל

    No matter Sephardic Jew or a Turk we are human beings!

  11. Juanjo Pelegrín

    precioso este lamento sefardí, no tengo palabras.

  12. eretsahuva

    @Tpoo avraham perrera

  13. Tpoo

    I love the man singing in this. What is his name?

    Alisa Rosado

    Her father, who died when she was a baby.

  14. jjgnbf

    El imbecil de abajo es uno de los tipicos tocapelotas que tanto abundan en youtube.Solo es uno que usa youtube para insultar, solo hay que ver su canal de mierda.Es un hispano por palabras que usa y que no se usan en España.

  15. Antonio Puertos

    @DonBoyso ¡Que va hombre!.Lo que pasa es que esta canción la canta en versión de flamenco,aunque claro,es un romance sefardí de todas maneras.

  16. Arif Koçer

    @DeeArr Come on! to say that you need your God's permission first. Will he give it to you?

  17. DeeArr

    @kocerarif You are a knob.

  18. moseh tamsat

    הגדולה מכולם נקודה.

  19. Arif Koçer

    @nothingbutjustice Like all sacred thıngs, beıng turkısh ıs also related to people's attıtudes not genetıcs! ıf you want, even you can convert to Turkıshness! We can sanctıfy your soul!

  20. Arif Koçer

    @nothingbutjustice Hey, behold my friend I like greek nation as our neighbors, but you must have been propagated terribly by the Zionist jews or the evangelical Christian churc so I consider your naive comment as a deep sorrow of your lack of self confidence. Additiounally, we Turks are determined to invade all the european continent as well as all the Christian world. You know that being slaves to the Turkish nation is something very sacred and gratifying to all others! Wait us! we're coming!!!

  21. odalrich

    @kocerarif The problem arose from the fact that the countries on ceniboy's video, Spain, Israel and Turkey (by order of appearence of their flags) have critics and dissidents- Basques, Palestinians and Kurds- who claim that each of these countries is a terrorist state. In your post you didn't mention which country was - according to your opinion - the terrorist state. That's why I was confused.

  22. Arif Koçer

    @odalrich With TERRRORRRIST, I positively pointed to the flag of Israil! Noble one is that of Turkish flag! Every sane person who have a bit of conscience can intiutively understand what's what and who's who. Can't they?

  23. odalrich

    @kocerarif "Who does dare to mix that terrorist state's flag and Our noble one! That's really terrifyıng... ..."Your post is very neutral, since you don't mention which flag belongs to the terrorist state, so the Spanish flag represent the terrorist state to those who don't like Spain, the Israeli flag is the terrorist to those who don't like Israel and the Turkish flag represents terrorism to those who don't like Turkey. You are trying to please everybody. You should work for UNO.

  24. Yoan Tacoronte

    Judaeo-Spanish is one of the most beautiful jewish languages! unfortunately is in danger of language extinction

  25. Antonio Puertos

    @DonBoyso Nada hombre,tan solo que ha aflamencado un poquillo esta canción,por eso esa manera de cantar.Solo eso.

  26. Antonio Puertos

    "Si la mar era de leche,los barquitos de canela....".Yasmin,¿Sabes que leche sale así?.la leche merengada.

  27. uturunkucha

    Muy linda la canción, very beautiful the song, Ima sumaq kay taki. Enseña de un gran orgullo de ser hispana judía. No olvidemos que los judiós ya vivían en Hispania antes de los Visigodos. España era Sefardim. Increíble como la cultura, la lengua y su expresión musical sobrevivieron. Son sonidos venidos de la cultura sur-española Precolombina. El alma de una nación se representa por su lengua.

  28. William Petty

    6/4 have you counted out the measures.

  29. William Petty

    Silly comments. Look up Sephardic Jews ;How Spain became Moorish; Gyspsies...then make conclusions about the motives of animalistic men in the Middle East. Please.

  30. Arif Koçer

    Who does dare to mix that terrorist state's flag and Our noble one! That's really terrifyıng to see that kind of ınsolance!!!

  31. Brandi Martin

    Wow love his voice. Very soothing.

  32. eltessy

    Muy lindo suena el Ladino de boca de esta chica tan agraciada, morena y muy femenina, que Dios la bendiga tiene una voz bella!!!

  33. Turkey Neck Soup

    WOW!!! what a voice.

  34. The Fresh Peddler - Beats For People Who Hate Radio

    @googlegoat - i know what ur trying to say but where she was born should be interesting to people for obvious reasons, so get over it.

  35. jjgnbf

    Es muy curioso como suena el castellano de los sefarditas casi igual que el que se hablaba en Castilla en el siglo XV , con algunas modificaciones , a veces me cuesta entenderlo , no en esta cancion...Por cierto ella es guapisima , me gustan sus rasgos , es el tipo de morena que me gusta.

  36. indgiu

    @bonsuamozelle así es; qué extraño es sentirse cercano a una cultura tan diferente simplemente por el idioma...

  37. Lella Gamra

    @Salamistico muchas gracias amigo :))

  38. Lella Gamra

    @nicho22 Thank you so much my friend

  39. Farouk ben salah

    f**ck isreal

  40. Mavelon - We buy homes in the Pacific Northwest

    @googlegoat She probably cares and would not appreciate your characterization of her homeland.

  41. Mavelon - We buy homes in the Pacific Northwest

    @googlegoat She probably cares.

  42. nicho22

    @djazairya00213 the singer at the end is Yitzhak Levy, Yasmin´s father

  43. Lella Gamra

    What's the name of the singer at the end of the video? and what's the title of the song? could someone help me please? i'm looking for this song since a long time.Quien es el hombre que canta despues de yasmin levy? y que es el nombre de la cancion por favor? puedes ayudar me? disculpe para mi terrible espanol, yo solo hablo un poquiiiito poquito

  44. Ilona Schewtschuk

    @ceniboy thats not right !her parents are from portugal.she´s jewish

  45. indgiu

    hermosa voz

  46. hotjewels9

    she is not Turkish, there is a Turkish flag cause she uses Turkish songs and instruments in her singing but with Spanish lyrics

  47. Hedgehog's Right of Passage

    @isayfew Yes,right.After Muslims captured all of South Spain,The Catholics mainly Dominican killed Fransiscan Monks,as many Jews as possible then those left were forced to convert or leave Spain 1492.Muslims in Spain were tortured by the Catholics.It was the least peaceful time since the Crusades.Yasmin Levy was born in Jerusalem because her family was forced out of Spain.Since 1492 a much greater ammount of Jews moved back to Palestine.

  48. Hedgehog's Right of Passage

    @ceniboy She was born in Jerusalem 35 years ago and lives still in Israel.Ladino is at least 700 years old spoken by Jews from Arab lands,Turkey,Spain,Portugaul,Greece,parts of Italy &France.The European Jews speak Yiddish.Both have Hebrew with Ladino adding arabic,Hebrew and mainly 700 year old classical Spainish.Jews were expelled or killed in spain 1492,some came to Palestine,some back to North African Arab lands.

  49. Jorge agudo martinez

    Yo le recomendaría a esta chiquita hebrea que no se meta en palos de flamenco, porque le van un poco grande, le falla el soniquete y el hipido. Para aprender un estilo de bulería que se adapte a estas coplas le recomendaría escuchase "los cuatro muleros" de Pepe Marchena o de García Lorca y quedaría chapó. Un saludo


    Cuando es alguien que tiene talento todos la reclaman, cuando es un ser despreciable todos niegan que sea paisano suyo.Ésta mamacita con voz de ángel no niega que tiene talento divino.Te mando un beso querida, que para mi eres un bendito angelito...

  51. Kevin Clepps

    She is a Turkish Spanish (Sephardic) Jew

  52. Muli 01

    @MidasTouch64 parents for turkey , she is israeli and she sings in spanish

  53. Ilona Schewtschuk

    @ceniboy aren´t they from portugal ?

  54. Ilona Schewtschuk

    @ceniboy in Judeo spanish ?wow, i thought this is only spanish.but her roots are israeli at all :)whatever...she´s beautiful !!!

  55. Ilona Schewtschuk

    @ceniboy in Judeo spanish ?wow, i thought this is only spanish.but her roots are israeli at all :)whatever...she´s beautiful !!!

  56. Alif Luna

    I think it is her father singing in the end??

  57. GeeseForce

    @xYxUxSxUxFx because this singer is from israel u dumb fuckin arab peace of shit!! LONG LIVE ISRAEL!

  58. LuzDeNoche

    Mmmh, im not sure...Personally, i prefer the version with Jana Lewitowa & Rudolf Merinsky.

  59. googlegoat

    Who cares where this songsteress was born.. she is a great singer, her voice belongs to her, not the greater state of Israel or any other nation trying to cling onto her coat tails.. Respect her please and focus on her.she is a person defined by many of life's experiences.

  60. Mubasher Hussain

    @g4609 she was born in Israel, but her father was born in Istanbul he was a famous Sefardi singer there. She is Turkish Sefardi

  61. Skunkbrother

    ACM Por que mucho tiempo muchos Judios habitaron España pero en el Reinado de los Reyes Católicos, Fernando II de Aragón e Isabel I de Castilla, se establecio en España del Tribunal del Santo Oficio, mejor conocido como la Inquisición y en 1478 se dicto la expulsion de los Judios de este pais y se llevaron el idioma a los lugares a los que se establecieron, el "judeoespañol"

  62. Skunkbrother

    Que desgracia para México tener tan cerquita para nuestros oidos y poder entender esta belleza de arte en musica y tener tan lejos esta hermosa cultura sefaradita, Gracias por darla al mundo que podemos escucharla por acá

  63. mrallcz

    OMG. What a dynamite sound! Heven in my ears.

  64. new spirit

    this is so beautiful!!!! what is this music style in 2.29 called??? Lots of love from Germany

  65. Munir Bandali

    Only one word to descirbe this song: Enchanting :o) Thanks for posting.

  66. The Scholarly Wave


  67. Medora81

    Ładna muzyka i brzmienie, Piękny głos!!Bardzo ciekawe połączenie wymarłego języka hiszpańskich Żydów i rytmów flamenco :-)

  68. Keryn Kleiman

    mehamemet. keep ladino alive!

  69. Natascha Guse

    who are you? ;-)Wo ist mein Schatzy ♥

  70. Natascha Guse

    im not silly man

  71. ewee eawsea

    Israel forever!

  72. Lassami Sofiane

    sefarad expulsé d'espagne exiléau maghreb et aux autre territoires de l'empire ottomans

  73. S. Demirsoy

    hi from turkeyt we love you yasmin

  74. anto walk

    shalom ermana levy your music has changed my life.

  75. Esterlicia Sicilia

    muy bonita, es genial su voz y su interpretacion

  76. Ed Val

    Hola. enhorabuena. Un beso. ASARIM

  77. Garc1993

    In Ladino, not Spanish. The style, I believe, is Flamenco. Long live continuous peace between Turkey and Israel.

  78. geva90

    no pasa nada!--->damn i just say that: couse its the first thing vome up in my mind :p

  79. geva90

    really..?,maybe thats why she add darbukas to her song :p

  80. geva90

    haha..flamenco, flamingo its a bird man get your shit right haha......good-day brother(:

  81. tomuch information

    she sings in spanish (flamingo),she is born in israel jerusale,i am jewish,long live the good relation between turkey and israelpeace to you and enjoy the music

  82. Ochsenburg

    passionate voice and timbre till tiptoes - a hammer :-)

  83. damla anıl

    yasmin is not turkish

  84. Martin Di Maggio

    Her parents are from Turkey

  85. Martin Di Maggio

    the turkish flag is because Yasmin is Turkish and Turkish music influences her (not in this song) and Spanish flags because she sings in Judeo-Spanish and her roots are Spanish.

  86. gigimc

    Very true. Best to accept that fact humbly and not be arrogant about it. Best to not rub it in everyone's face because it ruins your specialness. Best to not f* it up... or perhaps that true honor may be taken away... and btw, can we just enjoy the song please? :)

  87. gigimc

    OLE! kick-ass buleria! I've GOT to see her live.... omg

  88. 1400deadwood

    ''There are Jewish people that are against Israel's policies and appalled by the injustices ''AMEN!!Tikkun Olam -- heal the world!!

  89. PGt1ps

    Fighting hate with hate will never make a world of love

  90. isayfew

    who cares? this music comes from the time where al three religion lived in total harmony. enjoy the music and put your differences aside please.

  91. Omar Vega

    Well, doesn't sound like Caribbean Spanish but here, in Southern South America, Ladino sounds quite familiar.Bueno, puede que no suene como español caribeño, pero aquí en el cono sur de Sudamérica, el Ladino nos suena harto familiar.

  92. DD 333

    this is pure music, beautifull!

  93. paflagonian

    Canada too

  94. serkan karakaya

    abi yok böyle bir ses bitirsin bizi yasmin

  95. kamakshi001

    Si el Ladino es una lengua comprensible pero no es como comparar el castellano caribeño con el castellano de españa, ha conservado voces antiguas que actualmente no se usan en el castellano, pero incorpora palabras turcas griegas y muchisimas palabras hebreas. Se parece al castellano pero no es la misma lengua ya es otra diferente.

  96. tugce aydogdu

    masallah ya allah özene özene yaratmis masallah allah nazardan saklasin

  97. Levikano

    So, you're one who could be called a jewish catholic, am i correct?

  98. Levikano

    Shalom lecha, RoshHashanahBaby, do you practice judaism or catholicism?

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