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Klasik Müzik - Haydn-Serenade
: Haydn-Serenade
: 3.43 MB
: 257 Toplam İndirme
25-11-2017 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 257 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Klasik Müzik - Haydn-Serenade )
  1. Lukas Kelber

    That sound at 3:13 really creeped me, thought someone was broken in my room :D

  2. Kristine Dela Cruz

    Once when a lion, the king of the jungle, was asleep, a little mouse began running up and down on him. This soon awakened the lion, who placed his huge paw on the mouse, and opened his big jaws to swallow him."Pardon, O King!" cried the little mouse. "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days!”The lion was so tickled by the idea of the mouse being able to help him that he lifted his paw and let him go.Sometime later, a few hunters captured the lion, and tied him to a tree. After that they went in search of a wagon, to take him to the zoo.Just then the little mouse happened to pass by. On seeing the lion’s plight, he ran up to him and gnawed away the ropes that bound him, the king of the jungle."Was I not right?" said the little mouse, very happy to help the lion.

  3. Kristine Dela Cruz

    The Parable of the Good Samaritan25 On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”26 “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?”27 He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’[a]; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[b]”28 “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”29 But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?”30 In reply Jesus said: “A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 A priest happened to be going down the same road, and when he saw the man, he passed by on the other side. 32 So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. 33 But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. 34 He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii[c] and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’36 “Which of these three do you think was a neighbor to the man who fell into the hands of robbers?”37 The expert in the law replied, “The one who had mercy on him.”Jesus told him, “Go and do likewise.”

  4. Kristine Dela Cruz

    An Eagle swooped from out the sky, And carried off a sheep. A Raven seeing him, said: "ICould do that too if I should try. His meal comes mighty cheap." Of all that well-fed flock was oneAs fat as fat could be. The Raven rose, and lit uponHer back. She seemed to weigh a ton--So very fat was she. And, oh! Her wool was wondrous thick: It would have made a mat. The Raven's claws are caught, and stick! He's played himself a pretty trick--To fly with one so fat. "Ba, ba!" "Caw, caw!" cry bird and beast. The shepherd comes at last: Sir Raven who would find a feastIs from the woolly one released, And in a cage kept fast. 

  5. Kristine Dela Cruz

    Mr & Mrs Spikky SparrowOn a little piece of woodMr. Spikky Sparrow stood:Mrs. Sparrow sat close by,A-making of an insect pieFor her little children five,In the nest and all alive;Singing with a cheerful smile,To amuse them all the while,"Twikky wikky wikky wee, Wikky bikky twikky tee, Spikky bikky bee!" Mrs. Spikky Sparrow said ,"Spikky, darling! in my headMany thoughts of trouble come,Like to flies upon a plum.All last night, among the trees,I heard you cough, I heard you sneeze;And thought I, 'It's come to thatBecause he does not wear a hat!'Chippy wippy sikky tee, Bikky wikky tikky mee, Spikky chippy wee!"Not that you are growing old;But the nights are growing cold.No one stays out all night longWithout a hat: I'm sure it's wrong!"Mr. Spikky said, "How kind,Dear, you are, to speak your mind!All your life I wish you luck!You are, you are, a lovely duck!Witchy witchy witchy wee, Twitchy witchy witchy bee, Tikky tikky tee! "I was also sad, and thinking,When one day I saw you winking,And I heard you sniffle-snuffle,And I saw your feathers ruffle:To myself I sadly said,'She's neuralgia in her head!That dear head has nothing on it!Ought she not to wear a bonnet?'Witchy kitchy kitchy wee, Spikky wikky mikky bee, Chippy wippy chee! "Let us both fly up to town:There I'll buy you such a gown!Which, completely in the fashion,You shall tie a sky blue sash on;And a pair of slippers neatTo fit your darling little feet,So that you will look and feelQuite galloobious and genteel.Jikky wikky bikky see, Chicky bikky wikky bee, Twicky witchy wee!" So they both to London went,Alighting on the Monument;Whence they flew down swiftly—pop!Into Moses' wholesale shop:There they bought a hat and bonnet,And a gown with spots upon it,A satin sash of brightest blue,And a pair of slippers too.Zikky wikky mikky bee, Witchy witchy mitchy kee, Sikky tikky wee!Then, when so completely dressed,Back they flew, and reached their nest.Their children cried, "Oh Ma and Pa!How truly beautiful you are!"Said they, "We trust that cold or painWe shall never feel again;While, perched on tree or house or steeple,We now shall look like other people.Witchy witchy witchy wee, Twikky mikky bikky bee, Zikky sikky tee!" Mr. and Mrs. Spikky Sparrow

  6. Blast000

    Oh I love the waltzes by Verdi...Wonderful.

  7. Russ Brissenden

    Gözün Haydn

  8. jay ayop


  9. Jack Fletcher

    Is it a continental thing to refer to pieces of music as songs??? To my understanding a song has words????

  10. larsruben1


  11. jay ayop

    It is so very peaceful^_^ I LOVE IT!!

  12. aroushan ketheeswaran

    this is a nice piece of music

  13. Colin Chaves

    i forgot to add i love this piece.

  14. Kygeis27

    There's a clicking sound at 3:13 but only in the left speaker?

  15. David Thomson

    Just finished listening to this most beautiful piece of music,I was wondering who the artist was who painted the beautiful pictures

  16. 권호상


  17. 333mrwill


  18. denis 1292

    He was a close friend of Herr Mozart.They were in the Classic Era.And then the Romantic Era came.😉🖐️

  19. Rebecca Neville

    Such a beautiful piece! Truly blessed to be playing it on my tenor saxophone for my grade 3 and national 5 exams

  20. Paddy Geehair

    A little tipsy now but, the concept of 'exquisite' ....

  21. Aleccej Kraftcoff


  22. liveranche escudero

    Mi autor preferido...

  23. sgm2k18

    Its beautiful to listen good music not despacito and others!!!

  24. ad soyad



    thank you

  25. Annie Van de wijgert

    Prachtig deze mooie serenade van hayden groot componist

  26. MrMauser91

    Fievel goes West ^^

  27. Alex Woo

    Same but for violin

    Alex Woo

    talent show

  28. Jordi Ventura

    Beautiful paintings & classical music.


    Those who think classical music is boring are completely wrong!

    Annie van de Wijgert


    carlos Sixto

    They're only stupid people. It's not their fault, They're worthy of compassion..

    Christian Boer

    I dont like this music give me hardcore please

    Christian Boer

    @alex9920 your the most stupid person on youtube shut up kid


    Yes, but it is also rare to find a person like you who appreciates classical music. Today classical music is sold out in supermarkets.

  30. Fiorenza


  31. Anna Cottage

    So moving, so gentle. Thank you, Anna.

  32. Minion Carmen

    is it in C major?


    Minion Carmen yes

  33. Huyền Dương Thị Thu

    I like the paintings so much.who can tell me the name of the painter, please.

    G Leib

    Edouard Léon Cortès (1882–1969) was a French post-impressionist artist. Wikipedia has an article about him with links to more paintings. Also was a WW-1 veteran.

    Huyền Dương Thị Thu

    G Leib Thank you so much!

  34. Annie Van de wijgert

    Heerlijk die muziek van haydn prachtig geschilderd

  35. Matei Gherman

    oauuu it is amazing

  36. Frederik Laureys

    EX ABUNDANTIA CORDIS OS LOQUITUR....waar het hart vol van is, loopt de mond van over...

  37. Miuh Mouh

    هذه ليست لهايدن

  38. Beetlefisch

    to all those intelligent people out there: this gorgeous piece of music IS from haydn (not from boccherini, hoffmeister (the publisher), schubert...) and he was austrian, not hungarian.thanks for uploading, penelope!


    What Haydn scholar claims that this work is by Haydn? The scholars say that it is by Roman Hoffstetter.


    Beetlefisch Wrong! This is from One direction and they were Mexican. :v

    Alex Woo

    Hungarian not Austrian

  39. no5eyparker

    Very simple, as are all great Hungarian pieces - ahem, and astonishingly beautiful. My favorite Composer is Haydn and always will be, but I also love the lately re-discovered Georg Tellemann.

    Erin The Flutist

    I love telleman! I especially love the flute sonata in F which is actually on my channel :)

  40. shnimmuc

    This lovely piece is not by Haydn but by Hoffmeister

    Simon Aidan



    shnimmuc really?

    Alex Woo

    it's by Haydn

    Pen Guin

    thats what they say

  41. Joseph Riley

    I heard this on the Carry on camping film and always wondered what it was. It reminds me of a gentler more civilised time. So serene!

    richard stonley

    also featured on an episode of Gideon's Way

  42. krala bs



    jaaa, ganz schön.

  43. Juan Tonelli

    no es de boccherini tampoco, es de schubert


    Its by Roman Hoffstetter.

  44. Natalia García

    Bailando con esta música, se es feliz !!

  45. Gabriella Kovács

    Egy ilyen szerenádra ébredni...

  46. Dita M GC

    Beautiful! Good music! 😊🎼

  47. Earth+

    Beautiful paintings 

  48. Jerome Kaplan

    Sweet and soulful. Why do I think I hear Boccarini here? 

  49. trilingual28

    Usually I go off and do something else while a song is playing on YouTube, but for this I actually stayed and admired the beautiful paintings! Lovely song, lovely artwork :)

  50. raffaele montanaro

    Molto bella la musica abbinata ai bellissimi quadri. Grazie

  51. Guillermo Suarez

    Maravilloso !!

  52. Valentina Honorio

    suave , agradável de se ouvir

  53. Karin Junker

    so innocent ... so lively ... thank you!

  54. Daniela Laura


  55. Lucy Celeste

    Me gusta...

  56. Любовь Иноземцева

    Прекрасно! Спасибо!

  57. razaargintie muzica si picturile !!!

  58. gabriella makula

    Wunderschön! :-)

  59. Makopa hét

    Nice ♥

  60. stef2012bg

    Very beautiful!

  61. Alloy Brendan


  62. TheAkelei

    Ah - knew the tunes - but not the composer. Thanks for uploading. Liebe Hochladerin: Der Mottospruch könnte von Wilhem Busch sein ;-)

  63. Irén Németh

    Szép festmények....gyönyörű zene.....remek párosítás! Kellemes időtöltés....

  64. bellaisabella09

    Hi, Could you say us who is the artist of those paintings please? :)

    G Leib

    Edouard Léon Cortès (1882–1969) was a French post-impressionist artist. Wikipedia has an article about him with links to more paintings. Also was a WW-1 veteran.

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