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Selena Gomez-It Ain't Me
Disko Şarkıları - Selena Gomez-It Ain't Me
: Selena Gomez-It Ain't Me
: 3.68 MB
: 80 Toplam İndirme
11-02-2018 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 80 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (Disko Şarkıları - Selena Gomez-It Ain't Me )
  1. Its me DIOO!!

    Mom: dance for ya auntie Me: 1:55

  2. Awelbeckk

    That house isn't soundproof at all...

  3. Hannah Goddard

    dad dies:Luther: sarcastically plays "I think we're alone now"

  4. ajro gorenca

    The best superhero show so far #1

  5. Sammy Tysoe

    I dance like Diego 100%

  6. Fayen

    The dance of Luther is juste kidding 😂😂😂 (number 1)

  7. Sophia F.

    This scene is really touching. It’s so cute seeing them dancing around even after what happened

  8. Mr Tiddles

    Why is Vanya the most awkward even when alone🙄

  9. Gabriel Tkocz

    I guess, they also did this when they were teenagers and Reginald was out. That makes me wonder if Ben and Five danced too, when they were younger, or...Well...alive

  10. Rizwan Ali

    i think luther dance well even vanya also...👍🤙

  11. Damien Kennedy

    Eighties teens of the world unite! This and TMBG they are pandering to Gen X.

  12. Lance Rock

    Ellen ruined it

  13. Evan


  14. Dori sasson

    Aww this is weird watching Allison without ruptured vocal cords

  15. Us For Infinity

    What’s this song?

  16. super geek

    I want to see 5 dance 🤣🤣

  17. Arsonist

    This was an important scene in the show. it shows us that regardless of their powers, these people are still like us with their own problems, love, and even silliness.

  18. Alej Gibsot

    Man I love this 80s class is song

  19. xoxo xoxo

    Omg this was on our radio in the car I FLIPPED and started dancing in the car.

  20. Sophie Renee

    Ben: **fortnite dancing in the background**

  21. Reimi Sugimoto

    vanya's lil dance is just precious

  22. Prince Of The Pharaohs

    Who sang this???

  23. RustyRaygun

    You cut it off too soon! The best shot is when the camera zooms out to show the whole house as a miniature!

  24. Brianna Simmons

    Yoo Diego is me espically doing the little hops

  25. El Pato Volador :v

    This is in my top 5 best series :v

  26. kristian A

    wow percival got dance moves

  27. Mzeil Raz

    I love this show! Please netflix dont cancel this one!

  28. ImUhRandii

    lol Vanya's the only one dancing on beat

  29. Steven Fontaine

    I’m a Klaus dancer

  30. MaRu WaPo

    Allison's actor is the most beautiful person in the world

  31. CoolSprites

    Luther dances like an average dad, I swear 🙄😂

  32. Fabian Klevenz

    klaus is still the best

  33. Yogee Bear

    I never even seen this scene

  34. Countrycowboy08

    "The BEATING OF YOUR HEART is the ONLY SOUND"What a nice, warm bowl of foreshadowing.


    Also, "holding onto one another's hand, trying to get away"

  35. beastlydevil777

    This makes me wanna watch the season again. Lol

  36. Catherine Maria

    I have a crush on everyone in the umbrella academy

  37. Yellow turkish beetle from the heavens

    Vanya dances like someone with really bad scoliosis. (Not to offend anyone)

  38. tills mcgills

    Who else thinks vanya dances like a Peanuts character😁Also Luthor's dancing reminds me of my own lol.

  39. Jordacar

    Definitely got some Sense8 vibes off of this scene.

  40. Hot Milky

    this is just perfect🖤

  41. CREAM

    By far one of my absolute favorite scenes

  42. MildaDo

    um i just wanted to say that vanya’s dancing is adorable and she’s precious 🥺

  43. Kevin Escobar

    Luther is unleashing unimaginable amounts of shade on Reggie

  44. xavier chaves

    They dance like no one's watching, but everyone on YouTube is watching.

  45. SonicPhantom47

    I'm either Klaus or Diego

  46. Anthony Isaac Hurtado Ccoa

    Te amo, Vayna <3 <3

  47. Cerys Churchyard

    diego is so funny i can’t-

  48. SovietRushputin

    *Reginald Hargreeves fucking dies*Luther: I’m gonna do what’s called a pro gamer move

  49. E.K.O.A ?


  50. Michelle Alexandria

    Netflix needs to promote their shows

  51. Afonso Sousa

    I am so luther dacing😂😂


    Afonso Sousa I think I’m Diego but I dance like Vanya 😂

  52. SSJMatthew

    Ellen Page actually looks like a boy.

  53. Declaration of Independance

    2:09 is that pogo at the very bottom right corner?

  54. MalkavianScream

    I'm a definate Vanya, dreaming of being a Diego.

  55. *Theresia *

    When was this scene? I don't remember it

  56. Ronald Blanchard

    I like Luther's taste in music I'm still stuck in this decade of music

  57. Wolfhard

    This scene is a legend omg

  58. Wolfhard

    I think we're alone now ...

  59. Emmy MW

    Re-watching this today after attending the Q&A with Tom and Emmy at Fan Expo Canada:D The claw dance...I can't even:D

  60. Henry Lawrence

    Has anyone else noticed that Vanya is the only one that keeps her eyes shut while dancing? cos she's listening to only the music.

  61. myfa kename

    man i wanted more of this show

  62. Ola Stepkowska

    That's me, when I'm alone at home, and radio starts to play song that I like

  63. No World No name

    Lol I keep seeing the guy from Ted who dances so weirdly 😂😂😂😂

  64. Klon11

    beautiful, now with the song Ryan Paris - Dolce Vita

  65. Yatter Knox

    I need 5 dancing :c

  66. Kratogo

    i have never seen ellen page dance before.. and it's.. so weird o_o'

  67. Surgé Land

    I wondered what the point of this was when I first saw it, but having re-watched the show, it actually has a lot of characterization in it.

  68. Creepy Pheonix13

    Klaus's dancing never fails to make me smile. Thank you for being you Klaus!

  69. Alassea Riddle

    Vanya and Luther are the worst dancers hah

  70. DomenicTWD

    1:18 - 1:21 mood

  71. Ekin Dündar

    Jusr getting my daily dose

  72. oh wow amazing

    How thin were the walls to let them actually hear music from the 2nd floor? 😂😂

  73. T R

    I love this moment so much

  74. eric johnson

    Anyone else sad that Klaus is dancing with his adoptive father for the first and last time in his life?

  75. auxiliar Sub

    Which character is your dance mood? Luther

  76. Bewee BW

    Not being able to dance is a genetic thing with these guys, huh?

  77. Shin Mon Latt

    Diego slowly closing the door before dancing... the look on his face is priceless

  78. Daisy Shamp

    Netflix, you should have added where Ben dances too

  79. Jorvi Narl

    Quisiera estar deprimido y poder bailar de alguna de esas formas 😅😅😅

  80. Jorvi Narl

    Nadie en argentina viendo esta serie?porq Quisiera q me dijeran si esta buena xd😂😂

  81. Junior hernandez

    I love it

  82. *lost in reverie*

    The one good thing Luther has done in this series so far was playing this song.

  83. You Know Hiz Name

    Getting strong lil tecca vibes from Vanya's dancing

  84. Shearman Mills

    the music is good but the serie is not

  85. Sò Corsi

    My brother told me that this scene "made no sense" and was "gratuitous". I think this is the best scene in the entire show, and maybe the best I've ever scene on any show ! I've never felt so estranged to anyone in my life than to my brother on this very moment, thinking "how can he live being this dead on the inside ?!"And then I realized it was a perfect exemple on what this scene was really about. Fiction and reality merging in one unability to properly communicate feelings between siblings.

  86. ROBiN VA

    I guess Diego even do mop-dance

  87. Anthony Barratt

    And the Hilllywood show said hold my beer

  88. A_badSpellr

    1:12 *Expectations*1:07 *Reality*

  89. mr kholes

    Pogos just trying to escape it all

  90. ChocolateRoses

    *Diego about to close the door.*Hopper: 3 INCHES!!!!!!!


    Bro lmao no when 11 and that guy were kissing


    Don’t make me cry


    negglet did you say ‘that guy’ HIS NAME IS MIKE YOU UNCULTURED SWINE


    @•Coletta• lmao oops

  91. {mrCRISPY} aka biidiot

    when you think ur dancing like a pro but u actually look like this

  92. De naaits

    Whoever made this, is a genius !! *dances like a complete idiot*

  93. Blah Anger

    Gawds how I love this scene and how I hate this song LoL so much duality going on here:D

  94. Ronald Quimson

    Not enough love for Vanya's adorable dance moves ♡♡♡ Any Captain here to enlighten me with Vanya's dance move name? I need it for reasons ♡♡♡

  95. Jay-Bible

    Just the way Ellen dresses in every movie and show she’s in she does not care what anyone thinks I love her

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