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Everything Will Be Ok
G-Eazy - Everything Will Be Ok
: Everything Will Be Ok
: 4.79 MB
: 63 Toplam İndirme
15-11-2017 Tarihinde eklendi, Toplam 63 İndirme
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Kullanıcı Yorumları (G-Eazy - Everything Will Be Ok )
  1. Ligma Disease

    Everytime he said “you know” I took a shot of tequila. My hangover lasted 4 days.

  2. Artistry By Atlantis Nicole

    We don’t look at you any different 💪🏾🙏🏾👌🏾

  3. シzeze

    I can tell he was hold back crying😪Rest in peace Melissa

  4. Jarryd van Niekerk

    Take a shot every time G says you know what I mean

  5. Joe Fleming

    I just wanna know how his mother felt once he came home from making this track.

  6. Teshigi Smith

    Love this song and it was cool hearing some of his thoughts on it but dang, I want to know how many times he said you know lol.

  7. Jamie Mawer

    You can tell it’s genuine because he’s really struggling with his emotions and it’s really emotional to watch.

  8. Gerald Gillium

    You know?

  9. Adrian Sanu


  10. TheLead18

    we can't see it but we know hes hurting about talking about it inside we feel it

  11. Kirill Kahle

    Yes, Gerald. I know.. :D


    uuughhhhhh IM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO a Gemini to JUNE 3

  13. ch3rddz

    Use me as a “you know” button

  14. FED7


  15. Tenxing King007

    I felt everything he said.. Being a fan of G since I started listening to him. My greatest inspiration! "Opportunity cost" And "Just believe' is one the most influential song I have ever heard.. Whenever am kinda low I turn up his music and Bam! Mood changes.. You know what am sayin..? Like,that's what matter right! Keep getting lit every year Eazy.Hope to be at your concert at least once before I die. For real. Big fan!

  16. Justin Hagerty

    As soon as I watched this, I listened to Everything Will Be OK <3

  17. Laura White

    If it was up to me I would of left her where she was

  18. Cassandra LeBreux

    Beautiful soul

  19. Gas Mask

    Yall know how youtube got spam accounts that wants you to go to a special webpage. I believe that some asshole has programmed bot accounts to just dislike videos, because who would dislike something like this?

  20. lilliaaa.x

    Everytime his voice shook i wanted to teleport thru the screen and hug him. I come back to this video once every year when im in a dark place and cry. Makes me feel better because his pain lifts mine😭❤

  21. Maia15

    Damn. 🖤💔🖤

  22. GordonRanzy OfficialChannel

    G-Eazy X LGND

  23. Nathan Anthony Luciano

    I feel really bad that he had to go through this stuff.

  24. Mélina Lan Do

    Total respect for you G we are they for you

  25. Lungelo Khuzwayo

    ... Three Years Later .”


    Why is g eazy hair so perfect..

  27. Георги Георгиев

    you know

  28. Alana Seepersaud Rampher

    G.eazy is so Hansome

  29. Damaged Gnome

    Every thing will be ok Gerald

  30. Mariah Biagetti

    take a shot everytime he says "you know"

  31. It’s That Guy 6969

    Rip to G-Eazy, it’s Gerald’s era now.

  32. Nathan Wong

    Yes i know

  33. ZzRoBiNzZ


  34. Glory Brinker

    This video has been out for 3 years, and I still cry when I watch it. I have had someone who has committed suicide in my family so when he started talking about that I just lost it in tears.

  35. Sonny Blue

    Not a big fan of his new album since I've like the Old G- Eazy but hey I've had made respect to this dude. he's still My fan for what ever he go and what he do

  36. Zalcry

    Damn this man is trying so hard not to cry.

  37. one arnold

    I’m Gemini and also a twin and fuck with his music so hard cause it’s hits so close to home.

  38. G_ Eazy

    Only rapper that i listen to

  39. jennythach

    This is so real and personal. You can tell that he was trying hard not to break down


    So true

  40. Deay Salcido esparza

    You watching the game tonight

  41. Noel Duran

    You doing good I am proud of you

  42. branden8045 theultramangofighter

    ....whats the song abouy

  43. lil fazed

    ya know count 300000

  44. Zachary Thomas

    Fuck. Gerald, you’re a true fuckin artist, a true inspiration (“this for all mah little bruhs, just some inspiration” ;) ). Man, THANK you for your courage, and perseverance, and vulnerability. Respect. 🙏🏻

  45. Joseph Semien

    Everything will be ok is the only g eazy song I like

  46. Gabrielle Tavarez

    i feel like it looks like he's gonna cry just talking about his life and i just wanna hug G

  47. Addeena Ridzwan

    He says "you know" like every 30 second

  48. Guadalupe Delgadillo

    This is sad RIP Melissa 💙💙💙 God be with you

  49. Perla Ramirez

    i’ve watched this video like 10 times and i still cry for him every time

  50. duncan smith

    This is what I love about hip hop. There’s always going to be the deep and personal records people have to build up strength to write and record. Respect for any rapper or artist that puts out the best kinds of music. Personal

  51. Abbey

    You know what I mean

  52. Jonathan Rojas

    I would just like to say thank you for giving us this side of you. I’ve been a fan for some time now but this record right here made me a fan for life. Much respect and love. Keep doing your thing g!

  53. Frank _shoyuu

    Gerald is the walking definition of a gemini. I can relate to “The beautiful and damned”

  54. Lucas conley

    Im feel him I really do feel him. but though a lot of hard times in my past even know im only 12 I still got a way to go. but have mad respect for Gerald. always love your love ones, and always follow your dream

  55. skeet beet

    Damn, man sorry

  56. skeet beet

    So deep man

  57. skeet beet

    This really is very deep

  58. skeet beet

    One of the best songs

  59. Nuzify

    Who ever disliked this is dumb and something bad will happen to them they make a video about then they questions themselves y do they unlike this ask god

  60. Alexis 300

    i dont want to be that one guy but he said "you know" so many times

  61. Txmilx ssi

    every time an artist releases a very raw and real song about their personal life, all I can think is "people don't deserve that". He's being real here, talking with thousands of people with an open heart and you still have some morons, heartless people who are saying he's fake, that somebody else is better than him, blah blah. People do not deserve this. Love you Gerald.

  62. Nuzify

    Gearald u r already a winner to us and to everbody u r my favorite rapper when i get big and famous the only tracks i will make is rap and my sad life when i listen to your music i feel like i am related to u we have all been around those times dont joke about someones life

  63. Randy Reyes

    I love this song so much , I love these G-Eazy kind of songs


    We got new G Eazy coming

  64. Joshua Martinez

    How many times did he say “you know”

  65. Chloe Ward

    You can tell he really wanted to cry 😔😔

  66. Nemanja Vuksanovic

    Take a shot everytime G-Easy says "You know"


    we got a new interview with g coming soon. Make sure you're subscribed!

  67. Elijah Smith

    I can tell it was hard for him talking about it


    it was tough for him

  68. Elijah Smith

    He needs a hug for being emotional for this song

  69. Elijah Smith

    I feel broken when I listen to this song

  70. Brendaliz Nazario


  71. maria j

    aw he was so nervous. 😭💗

  72. Lindsay Sliva

    love u g!!

  73. HexOhms

    I'm in school trying not to cry ..

  74. Ashley Washington

    I can tell this is hard for him to talk about

  75. TheBros2theend

    what a girl.

  76. baby kay

    I notice the more he talks about real stuff, the less 'Blaccent' he uses.

  77. Official Jessii

    Everytime he said "u know" take a shot

  78. Kay’s Lifestyle

    Can anyone count how many times he said "You know"

  79. alda velagic

    Love him so much.

  80. Dustin Sheren

    i started crying watching this. His emotions are true.

  81. Yān-Mān

    couldn't look like more of a wanker

  82. Hannah Ringele

    I love to just listen to him talk I just smileeee

  83. Brittany B

    I LOVE G

  84. synne k


  85. please stop

    I was literally about to start crying and I had to stop myself so I started counted how many times he said "you know"


    you know

  86. Brenan Greene

    Damn, that's some real shit. How much did Em open up on tracks....

  87. Samuel Marlow


  88. MJsGuardAngel

    He's trying so hard to hold it in, I felt throughout the video he was about to crack. Look at his eyes man, this is so heart wrenching; I want to hug him so badly.

  89. Tyler Johnson

    I hate that I know exactly what he is feeling when he is such a different person than me.

  90. Cierra Brooks

    He seriously deserves every blessing that comes his way now and in the future ...such a beautiful soul forced into the wrath of his demons at a young age and still remains beautiful... I'm speechless...😶❤💖

  91. Marie Benton

    You can tell how hard it is for him to talk about Melissa he started to get choked up a little bit but I guess talking about it helps him

  92. Amarudontv


    Anett Pintér

    About the previous videos I didnt really like ur attitude being so cool and conceited......but probably thats the style u wnted to introduce to me like that was u in the past......the pronounciation was weird and hard to understand it clearly......and u were talking shit litererally.....but thats oke for to be that way in tha past......what I probably objected a lot like to put urself together and act decent rather than this crap :-) who wanna look cool.......This one is way better......this is probably the video we already have left....the teary eyes r sad and I would feel sorry for u watching it too......would be better if u would talk slower and would use more meaningful words.....and be more emotional when u talk about the things what bother u....and why u feel that extreme guilt :-)

    Anett Pintér

    But it shows how confused u r and how much u got broken in ur heart and u also look like who was teared into several its kinda oke :-)

    Anett Pintér

    I like how u r struggling to express ur feelings and to avoid bursting out like a baby :-) and I find u very cute that u just stop talking bc the words wont come out or bc u would begin to cry :-( u r such a great actor Gerald! But I also noticed tha part u were talking about ur mom was actually real......and that still upsets u emotionally when u would talk about her in that state.......and its nice that u sound very confused with the words and in ur mind like wtf is going on and how to put things straight again?

  93. Mysteryion

    I FOUND OUT SOMETHING CRAZYYY my birthday is the same day of when I was born! Woooow Life is crazy

  94. ntyzriuz omeonu

    I luv effort you made in this shit.really gush meh

  95. ntyzriuz omeonu

    G-easy one luv

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